Page 71 of Make My Heart Race

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Serena, the lawyer, stepped up. “Mrs. Willtot, the proceedings are about to start. You better go back to your party.” Her voice was gentle, like she too knew that this woman in front of us was one harsh word away from crumbling to dust.

Buster appeared behind his mother. He nodded at us, and I nodded back. “Look after her,” he said to Tally.

My beautiful girlfriend lifted her chin at Laverne. “You too.”

Buster’s jaw tensed, but he gave her a curt nod as he led his mother into the courtroom. I watched them disappear completely before I came closer, pressing my hand to Tally’s spine.

“You okay, sweetheart?” She shook her head, and I wrapped my arms around her shoulders. “It will work itself out, I promise. I know it feels like a lot now, but we can figure out the rest later.”

I kissed her temple and stepped away, even though it pained me to do so. Rocco reached for her hand again, so she was never without the support of one of us. We were here for her. We all were. Now we just had to wait for this shit to be done.

We filed in, sitting on the left side of the courtroom. Tally unhooked Bobbi-June and handed her to Rocco, who placed the sleeping baby on his shoulder, rocking her so she didn’t wake.

The judge grabbed the file in front of him, scanning through it quickly. “Mr. Willtot, Mrs. Palmer-Passero, I see we are here to decide who gets custody of Bobbi-June Palmer.” The lawyers agreed, and the judge nodded. “Okay, proceed.”

Twenty minutes later, I was tempted to leap across the courtroom and punch Brick Willtot in the mouth. His lawyer was trying his best to make Tally sound like a flake—an unstable adrenaline junkie, who’d probably die in a fiery car crash before she turned twenty-five. He’d also suggested that Rocco was a fake husband for the sake of this court case, who just wanted citizenship. That might have been true at one point, but good luck proving that now.

When he’d suggested that, the judge had raised an eyebrow at Rocco. “Is that true, Mr. Passero?”

I’d watched as Rocco had leaned forward, his eyes alight with passion. “Absolutely not. I love Tally, and Bobbi-June. I’ve set up a trust for Bobbi-June’s future. I want to adopt her, so she can be a Passero like her mama. I want to watch her grow into a fierce and loving woman like my wife.” He let out a sigh. “Did we expedite the natural progression of our relationship because of Mr. Willtot’s aggressive tactics? Yes. However, it was inevitable. I have been smitten with Tally since the moment I laid eyes on her, the first time she put me in my place.”

He gave a crooked grin, then it faded again, merely a flash before the sunset. “But I promise you that I meant what I said when I stood up in front of that judge. I intend to love her in sickness and health, in the good times and the bad. I will be there for both of them forever.”

Man, I wasn’t even married to the guy—or interested in dick—and I could swoon. The judge just nodded, making notes.

Willtot’s lawyer scoffed. “How can he say that when we have proof that she is sleeping with two other men? Does that sound like a committed, healthy relationship to you, Your Honor?” He passed a stack of photos to the judge, and it didn’t take a rocket scientist to guess what they showed.

Serena took the stack that the opposing counsel handed her. She wasn’t shocked. We’d prepared for this.

The judge raised his eyebrows at us. “I see. Mrs. Palmer-Passero? What do you say to this?”

Serena stepped forward. “Your Honor?—”

“Counsel, I was talking to your client.”

Tally stood. “Sir, I know it is unorthodox. Relationships have been between a man and a woman in the eyes of the law for a long time. However, I ask that you look at my relationship not through a patriarchal, traditionalist view, but an open mindset that reflects modern times. I love all three of these men, Your Honor. We love each other. We provide support, emotional and physical stability, for each other and Bobbi-June.

“At no point in the day is Bobbi-June without someone who would lay down their life for her. Instead of having one father to step into the shoes of the one she lost, she has three men who love and protect her. Who will love and protect me. Only one is my significant other in the eyes of the law, but in my heart, they are all my husbands.”

Bruce Willtot muttered, “Whore,” in a cough, and the judge raised a stern eyebrow at him.

“I understand it’s unorthodox, but not unheard of in this day and age, especially not here in California,” Tally implored.

“Indeed. Okay, continue,” the judge said, waving a hand at the lawyers.

It continued, but it was more of a joint character assassination than anything else, and Serena fired back as she mentioned Brick’s underhanded tactics in getting Tally fired, and his aggressive stand-over tactics at the hospital after she’d given birth.

In the end, it went for nearly five hours before the judge was ready to give a decision. “It is in the best interests of the infant not to drag this out any further. Her wellbeing, both physically and emotionally, is the only thing that this court is concerned with. It is clear that in front of me is a happy, loved and well-provided-for child.”

Brick Willtot growled low, a feral sound.

“This court grants sole custody of Bobbi-June Palmer to her mother, Tally Palmer-Passero. This court also denies the request for grandparent visitation rights.” He looked at Brick. “You need therapy to help you deal with the tragic death of your son, Mr. Willtot. This child is not a replacement for the son you lost. She has no relationship with you, and will not unduly suffer from not knowing you, as is the mother’s right. However, I fear that she might suffer under your influence.”

The judge looked at Tally, whose whole body had sagged into the chair with relief. “Unorthodox as it may be, I believe that you provide a loving and stable home for your daughter. In the future, it might be beneficial for the child to know her grandparents, but that is entirely at your discretion.” He looked down at the court stenographer. “Court dismissed.”

I kissed the top of Bobbi-June’s head, who’d been such a good baby during the trial, not even a little disgruntled about being passed between the three of us constantly. “Hear that, baby girl? You’re ours for good now. Let’s go hug your mama.”

Rocco already had Tally in his arms, and she was quickly squished between his chest and Jesse’s. We were a family, for real now.
