Page 17 of Going Deep

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Jack settled beside him on the couch and laid a hand on Gray’s leg. “Want to tell us about it? The call that got you out of bed?”

“A body was found in a house fire, a sixteen-year-old girl, another sex worker. Both girls worked for Andreas, at least according to rumor.”

“Fuck.” Mason looked slightly green.

“Don’t think about it. It was horrible, but I’m going to find the bastard who did this.”

Mason sat on the couch arm on Gray’s other side. “I’m glad you came home and got some rest.”

“Thornton made me leave. He said I wasn’t any good to him if I was a fucking zombie.”

“You’d been up way over twenty-four hours, and the night before last you got maybe three hours of sleep. You also had quite a workout last night.” Jack grinned.

Gray couldn’t help but return Jack’s smile. “I didn’t want to fuck up my sleep cycle, so I was watching a movie.”

“Uh-huh.” Mason nodded.

“I couldn’t have slept that long. Wait, why are you both home? What time is it?”

“A little before six.”

“What the fuck?”

“We let you sleep for a half an hour after we got home, but we have something we want to talk to you about.”

Did Mason sound nervous or was that Gray’s imagination? “What kind of something?”

“Valentine’s plans.”

Gray groaned. He loved his men, but he didn’t need a stupid cheesy holiday to show it. He had a nice toy closet instead.

“We’ve got a surprise for you,” Jack said.

Oh fuck, Gray hated surprises even more than Valentine’s Day.

Jack shook his head. “Don’t make that face.”

“What face?” He’d really tried to keep a neutral expression.

“The what-have-you-done-now face.”

“I wasn’t?—”

Jack’s glare silenced him.

“Okay, fine. Just tell me what you’ve done.”

“Since I’ve got next weekend off and Mason can get coverage, we rented a cabin in the mountains so we could all get away.”

A cabin. In the mountains. Gray’s heart started pounding. “No!”

Mason’s eyes widened. “Look, I know we should probably have talked about it, but?—”

Gray hadn’t meant to sound so vehement, but, traveling to the mountains brought back memories. They were memories he didn’t want to dredge up, not right now when he was already dealing with memories of Nancy, who reminded him too much of the girls in these cases he was working on. What could he say that sounded reasonable? “I don’t want to drive in the snow. We might get stuck and?—”

Jack frowned. “This cabin is perfect. There’s a hot tub, and it’s only twenty minutes from Asheville so we can go out to dinner or a bar and then come back to our cozy cabin. Did I mention that the hot tub is on a very private deck?”

“I am not fucking you outside in February.”
