Page 46 of Going Deep

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“Humor me. Tell me what they’ve done.” Gray needed time. If he could keep the man talking, maybe he could figure out a way to save Jenna.

Whittaker shook his head. “No games. Put your weapons on the floor and kick them to me. You shouldn’t have helped these sluts. Now you have to stay with me.”

Gray considered his options. His best hope of getting Jenna and himself out alive was to go along with the man for now. His lieutenant was there, right outside the door. He kept his distance from Whittaker as he tossed his service weapon and his backup gun on the floor and sent them sliding.

“Now take a seat.” Whittaker took Gray’s service weapon—leaving the backup lying where it was—and waved it toward a chair. He kept the knife against Jenna’s throat, but he couldn’t stay in that position forever, especially if he were going to tie Gray up.

“Hands behind your back,” he ordered.

Gray apparently didn’t move fast enough. Whittaker pressed the knife deeper into Jenna’s flesh. Gray’s stomach threatened to revolt as he watched blood run down her pale throat. Their chances of making it out alive weren’t good. What if he couldn’t save them?

You can’t be responsible for everything. Mason’s words taunted him. He didn’t want to die. He needed to see his men again, to go on that fucking vacation with them.

A noise drew Whittaker’s attention to the window. He moved away from Jenna but kept Gray’s gun trained on him.

“You’ve got a team out there.”

At first, Gray thought the words were in his head, reminding him that he wasn’t alone in this. Then he realized Whittaker had spoken.

“You’re going to talk to them for me,” Whittaker said.

“Okay. Whatever you need. I’m going to cooperate. I want to keep Jenna safe.” Gray knew that nothing would keep her safe if something wasn’t done quickly to stop Whittaker. He wasn’t going to let Jenna or Gray go.

With his gun to Gray’s head, Whittaker zip-tied Gray’s wrists together behind his back, yanking the tie viciously tight. His hands would be numb in no time. He gave Gray’s ankles the same treatment and then pulled Gray’s phone from his holster and held it out.

“Tell the cops out there to leave now.”

Gray looked up at him. “I can’t dial.”

Whittaker ignored him. How much of a grip on reality did he still have? He was certainly handling this more sloppily than the other crimes. How had he managed to elude them for such a long time? However Whittaker had done it, Gray might not have much time left to regret accepting Whittaker’s alibi.

“They need to bring me the rest of the girls. Once I do away with them, I can let you go.”

“I don’t think?—”

Whittaker pressed the gun to Gray’s temple. “I could kill you now.”

Movement caught Gray’s attention. Jenna had almost worked one of her hands loose. Keep Whittaker talking. Keep him focused on you.

“But then you wouldn’t have anyone to talk to the cops. I’ll do my best to persuade them. I want to live.”

“Of course you do. You’re not stupid enough to sacrifice yourself for some slut.”

Gray’s phone started ringing then; so much for him needing to dial.

Whittaker showed him the screen. “Is it them? The other cops?”

Gray nodded. It was Thornton.

“You say only what I tell you to. Tell them I want the other girls. Tell them I’ll kill you otherwise.”

Whittaker answered the call and pressed the phone to Gray’s ear.

Before Thornton said anything, Gray did as he was told. “Whittaker wants the rest of the girls who worked for Andreas brought here. He’ll kill me if he doesn’t get them.”

As Gray expected, Thornton didn’t respond to his statement. Keeping his voice low, he said, “I’ve got a SWAT team moving into position. Hold tight. Try to keep him away from Jenna where we can get a line of sight on him.”

“Yes, sir.”

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