Page 58 of Going Deep

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Gray flipped Jack off.

“Do you want to tell the rest of the story?” Mason asked.

Gray nodded. “Yeah. But maybe in bed in the dark would be easier.”

When they were settled, he started talking again. “Later that night, as I struggled to fall asleep on the camper’s couch bed, I heard the door swing open. I assumed it was just one of my parents checking the fire or maybe my dad going outside for a smoke. Then I heard the crunch of footsteps like someone was walking away from our camper. So I did what any stupid kid would do. I followed my dad.”

Gray took a deep breath and enjoyed the feel of Mason’s fingers combing through his hair.

“My dad stopped at a trailer on the other side of the campground. Before he could knock, a woman opened the door. She was naked.”

“Oh shit,” Mason said.

“It was actually one of the first times I thought I might be gay. Here I was, confronted by a young—probably not much over twenty—woman who was in excellent shape, but I wasn’t the least bit interested in her.”

“You were probably in shock,” Jack said.

“Yeah. I don’t know what I should have done, definitely not what I did, which was sit there waiting. I heard them panting and cussing. I heard the bed squeak, and I knew what they were doing. I don’t know how long my dad was in there, but when he finally came out, he nearly tripped over me and yell, “Gray? What the fuck are you doing out of bed?”

I told him I’d heard him. I meant that I’d heard him get up, but he thought I was talking about hearing him with the woman. He grabbed me and shook me. ‘Don’t you dare tell your mother.’”

“That son of a bitch,” Jack said. “How dare he.”

Gray held up a hand. “He was a fucking asshole, but just let me finish. He walked away after that. He didn’t ask me to follow, didn’t say a word. Eventually, I slunk back to our camper and did exactly what he said. I didn’t tell my mother. I didn’t mention it in any way. All week, I knew that our time together as a family was fake. I had to pretend to get along with my dad, pretend to be happy. Every night I heard him leave, I wondered how the fuck my mom didn’t hear him. Sleeping pills was the conclusion I came to later.”

Mason snuggled in tighter, and Gray wrapped an arm around him, letting him rest his head on Gray’s chest.

“The night before we were supposed to go back home, my dad left the camper, and I peeked out my window, watching him walk away. He had a big bag with him. I wondered why. The next morning, the woman’s RV was gone, and so was he. He never came back, and my mom was never the same. I’ve always wondered whether saying something would have changed anything.”

Jack and Mason hugged him tight.

“So, anyway. That’s why I hate vacations.”

“Oh, Gray,” Jack said. “That’s… God, that sucks. I’m sorry we pushed. No wonder you didn’t want to go to the mountains.”

“I should’ve just told you, but I was too fucking stubborn.”

“We know now,” Mason said.

Jack kissed Gray’s temple. “We do. And if you want to go somewhere else or just stay home, all you have to do is tell us.”

Gray shook his head. “I’m not that kid anymore. That week shouldn’t color the rest of my fucking life. We’re going to the cabin you picked out, and we’re going to enjoy it.”

“Does that mean we get to spend most of the time in bed?” Mason asked.

Gray smiled. “That sounds good to me.”

Jack laughed. “All I really want is for us to have some uninterrupted time together. Time to just enjoy each other.”

Mason sat up and looked at Gray and then at Jack. “A cozy cabin? Some toys? A hot tub? Just the three of us? How could we not enjoy that?”

“And don’t forget, I have plans for your ass,” Gray said, looking at Mason.

Mason shivered. “I can’t wait.”


Gray did end up sleeping, held by both his boyfriends. He woke once from a dream in which he was running, pushing himself to move faster, to find Jenna, to save her from the man who was chasing her with a bloody knife in his hand.

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