Page 67 of Going Deep

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He’d packed what he needed for the trip to the mountains before leaving that morning, but he had to put in a half day at the precinct while Jack and Mason got a bit more sleep. Both had worked late the night before. He’d even gotten one of the other detectives to give him a ride so they could pick him up from the precinct when they were ready.

The morning dragged by with tedious computer searches and paperwork to file before vacation. Finally, Gray checked the clock and saw that it was late enough for him to get away with packing up. He couldn’t believe he was actually excited about going on vacation. He was in such a good mood he might even let Mason drive.

He considered that idea for a few more seconds. Maybe not. He was a control freak and Mason and Jack liked him that way.

Gray was already waiting in the parking lot when Mason texted that he and Jack were leaving the house. He had no intention of being held back by some last-minute emergency.

As he waited, he tried to absorb what had happened over the last few weeks. He’d been through hell, but he was going to enjoy his weekend, and he wasn’t going to put pressure on himself to make it perfect. He’d be with Jack and Mason. That was all that mattered. He thought about the gifts he had for them in his suitcase. They were cheesy as fuck but hopefully they’d also be a lot of fun.

When Mason drove up, Gray gestured for him to get in back. He rolled his eyes but complied. If Gray had to go on a road trip, no way in hell was he sitting anywhere but behind the wheel.

They made good time, stopping only when Jack or Mason bitched at him, saying they were going to wet the seats if he didn’t let them go to the bathroom.

By dinnertime, they were in Asheville, where Jack insisted they stop at a place he’d found when researching restaurants, Sparky’s Hot Chicken. Jack had a love affair with spicy chicken sandwiches that bordered on kinky. Gray’s mind started to wander, imagining where they could go with that… Nope. Even he wouldn’t go there.

“I’m hitting the restroom,” Gray said as soon as they entered. “Order me something big.”

Jack narrowed his eyes. “Did you eat lunch?”

“Um… from the vending machine.”

Jack rolled his eyes.

“At least he’s actually taking a piss,” Mason said. “Instead of going on about his bladder of steel.”

Gray scowled, but Jack just laughed and motioned him toward the restrooms. “We’ll order for you.”

Jack and Mason had ordered at the counter and were heading toward a table when Gray returned to the dining area. Jack handed him a beer, and he took a long, refreshing sip.

“So what are our plans for tonight?” Mason asked. “Are we going to try out some local bars or head right to our cabin?”

Before Gray could answer, Jack said, “I thought I might do some baking. I’ve got a few things to try out for you but?—”

“We’re going to the cabin as soon as we eat and baking can wait for tomorrow. Cake for breakfast works for me,” Gray declared.

“How do you know I’m making cake?”

“Because you packed that ridiculous heart-shaped pan.”

Jack rolled his eyes. “It’s cute. And the kids at the center loved the heart cakes.”

They sure had. Gray had actually gone with Jack to a fucking Valentine’s party full of teenagers, but Jenna was there and so was Henry. It was a special occasion. Not that Gray enjoyed the cheesy games they played. Not at all. Sure he’d won a round of darts, and Jenna had smiled like the kid she still was when he gave her the bear he’d won as a prize, but that was irrelevant.

Gray glanced at Mason, and he rolled his eyes.

Jack snorted. “Go ahead and laugh. I bet you’ll like the cake.”

“I will.” Gray wasn’t going to give him any more grief. It was fucking cute, and he didn’t give a damn what shape Jack’s cake was in. It would taste good.

“So no chance of checking out the bar Elizabeth told me about or that hipster cocktail place tonight?” Mason asked.

Was he taunting Gray? Surely he knew what Gray had planned for him. “I do not need some organic herbal cocktail shit. And no. I told you we’re going to the cabin as soon as we…”

A waitress arrived with their food. Gray smiled when he saw two enormous chicken breasts coated in a spicy rub plus mac and cheese and coleslaw on his plate.

Jack and Mason both had a sandwich and fries.

Jack glanced at Mason. “Gray’s pronouncement sounded rather definite.”
