Page 41 of Tainted Obsession

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My heart skipped a beat, and I couldn’t stop myself from looking down at Evelyn. Her cheeks were flushed the prettiest shade of pink, and her eyes were downcast. I couldn’t quite read her reaction to Carmen’s declaration. Was Duarte’s wife speaking the truth? What had the women talked about in their private conversation?

The prospect that Evelyn had indeed chosen me made my chest swell with pride. The stunning woman at my side belonged to me, and she’d acknowledged my claim publicly. She bore my mark on her neck, and she didn’t try to conceal it.

“I didn’t realize that the situation with her former fiancé had been handled,” Duarte said, a genial but incisive remark. “It’s good news if he’s no longer in the picture.” He wanted confirmation that Crawford was dead.

My smile twitched at the corners, but I quickly cleared away the sign of strain. “Evelyn is my primary concern at the moment.” I allowed the weight of my loyalty to her to deepen my tone. She was my priority. Killing Crawford was an important secondary goal. She wouldn’t be safe until he was dead, so his days were numbered.

“But I value our friendship, Stefano,” I continued smoothly. “And I always keep my promises.”

He offered me a small nod of acknowledgement, his displeasure evident in his glittering black stare. “Yes,” he agreed, “I hope our friendship lasts a lifetime.”

I heard the threat, loud and clear: my life wouldn’t be very long if I didn’t follow through on my promise and eliminate George Crawford.

“That’s settled, then,” Carmen announced, moving the conversation away from death threats: the epitome of a skilled hostess. “Aren’t you going to invite our new friend on our trip tomorrow, darling?” she prompted Duarte. “I’d hate for him to miss the opportunity to meet Adrián.”

Adrián Rodríguez was Duarte’s Colombian partner. He worked with the Mexican drug lord to move their product from Colombia into his territory in America. My friendship with Duarte was important, but getting in with Rodríguez would secure my position here in the Americas. Gian, Enzo, and I would have a powerful friend in our corner when we finally made our move against our despotic boss back home.

“Where are we going?” I asked, accepting the invitation before Duarte could take it back.

“Colombia,” he replied, keeping me fixed in his sharp stare. He still wasn’t pleased by the situation with Crawford, but he wasn’t ready to give up on our alliance over it. He had much to gain from our business deal, too.

“We leave tomorrow morning.” He glanced at Evelyn. “You are welcome to make yourself at home here while we’re away.”

“Evelyn goes where I go,” I said immediately, too sharply. I took a quick breath and calmed my most savage urges. “I made a vow to protect her. I don’t want her out of my sight.”

Duarte’s dark brows rose. “And you think she won’t be safe in my home?” he drawled.

“Like I said, I always keep my promises,” I replied coolly. This wasn’t up for negotiation. Crawford was still in Mexico City. I wouldn’t leave Evelyn here without me to guard her.

And I wouldn’t be able to focus on my important business in Colombia if I didn’t have her with me. I’d be consumed by thoughts of her. The depth of my obsession should’ve alarmed me, but with her slight body leaning into mine, I couldn’t bring myself to care. She looked to me to shield her, and I was addicted to her trust in me.

“Do you want to come with us?” Carmen addressed Evelyn, allowing her the choice.

Part of me appreciated that she was offering Evelyn agency, but my irritation at the prospect of being parted from her far outweighed my flicker of respect. My delicate little butterfly wasn’t leaving my side.

Before I could insist that she accompany me, Evelyn said, “I want to stay with Massimo.”

Her soft declaration punched my heart like an arrow, and my feral desire for her surged.

Mine. She was all mine, and she knew it. She chose me.

It might be out of fear, but that notion didn’t bother me. She’d made it clear that being in Stefano’s home, the heart of his cartel, made her anxious. She didn’t want to stay here without me.

She knew that I would keep her safe, and she didn’t want to be parted from me.

That was enough to satisfy me for now. Her devotion would grow with time. She belonged to me, and there was no going back.

“Excellent,” Carmen approved. “We’ll all fly out on the jet tomorrow morning. Adrián is keen to meet you, Massimo.”

“I’m looking forward to it,” I replied absently, my attention fixed on Evelyn.

Her gaze was still downcast, her eyes averted. And that lovely flush colored her cheeks. I wanted to see that shade of pink while I feasted on her pussy again; I would make her cry out my name in ecstasy. Would her pert ass flush a matching shade beneath my hand? I craved to see it imprinted on her creamy flesh. She’d responded to the pain of my bite. Our chemistry was undeniable. She would come to accept the more deviant things I needed to do to her.

She was innocent, and I craved to corrupt her. I would teach her to enjoy my darker sexual games. Evelyn would love being mine.

“You two should enjoy the party,” Carmen announced, a dismissal and a gift. My hunger for Evelyn must be plain on my face, and the cartel queen was giving me permission to be alone with my pretty little butterfly.

“Thank you.” I managed a modicum of politeness before I steered Evelyn away from the powerful, dangerous couple.
