Page 58 of Heather's Truth

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“Not yet,” he replied. “Let’s give him a chance.”

“For what?”

Dale felt her eyes on him. “To talk.”

The guard shifted. “There’s nothing to say. I’m just out for a walk.”

“We should let him walk out of here,” Heather muttered. “Or tie him down and let the vultures have at him.”

“You can’t do that,” the guard said.

Finally a chink in the bastard’s armor. “You’re right,” Dale said. “I think we’re better off letting you chat with our colleagues.”

He hated calling in Ross. It meant he’d owe a favor only a couple weeks after they’d evened the score. But at this point, there was no one else he could trust.

While the phone call connected, Dale considered his options. She was right, the wounds weren’t lethal and they could just let the asshole find his own way out of the park.

But this was the one shot to throw a net around Lester and there was no way to tell when another golden opportunity to put the man behind bars would present itself.

He completed the call and waited for Ross to pick up.

“Cypress Security,” a female voice answered.

Dale winced. He didn’t want to bother Ross’s new wife, Allie. “Is Ross available?”

“Just a second.”


“Sorry to wake you,” Dale said. “But I need an assist.”


“If not sooner.”

“You need to get on local time, man. Have you looked at a clock? What’s the problem?”

“I need you to hold a suspect for me for a day or two.”

“A day or two? That sounds vaguely like kidnapping.”

“I’ll give you a list of charges.”

“Will any of them stick?”

“Probably. Can you help me out or not?”

Ross sighed. “I’m halfway dressed and nearly in the truck. Send me an address.”

Dale was about to give it when Heather stood up straight and did a fist pump. “Yes!”

“Who is that?”

Dale ignored Ross’s rapid-fire questions in his ear about who was with him and what was going on while he clarified Heather’s sudden excitement.

“I found another match,” she explained, scowling at the guard. “I remember when this dog came through as an animal control pick up a few months ago. Throw the book at this slime bag.”

“The charges will stick,” Dale said to Ross. Assuming Heather didn’t kill the guard first. “We’ve found a suspect in the murder of Terry Watson.”

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