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The tease of his thumbs against my nipples had my pussy contracting as the competing sensations of too much and not enough vied for supremacy.

“You know, you’re the most beautiful woman in the world, right? I love every inch of you… from these amazing breasts. God, Frankie… they are so fucking perfect.” He pressed kisses to where the stretch marks showed along the sides now. Before he went to his knees and sucked one nipple against his teeth before I could even say a word.

Thought became an abstract as he laved his tongue over the tip. The gentlest of pressure could be right on the edge of pain and I tilted my head back, trying to get my breathing under control. I almost didn’t want to inhale or exhale, then increased the suction and the sharpness sent wetness to soak my panties.

I threaded my hand through his hair as he pressed more biting kisses across my nipples. He kept taking it right up to the edge of what I could take then he’d soothe them again. The lap of his tongue was heavenly.

The stroke of his fingers down my sides eased through the haze of passion. When he lifted his head, the cool air against my damp nipples was a whole new form of teasing. Then he gripped the waistband of my stretch pants and tugged them along with my panties down and off.

I was so glad I’d kept up on the laser appointments. Waxing wasn’t my favorite anymore and laser was uncomfortable but lasted way longer. In the not too far distant future, being able to see my legs would be a challenge.

“Babe…” The coax of his voice had me opening my eyes. I hadn’t even realized I’d closed them. “Focus on me, not all the flaws you’re listing in your head, okay?”

“I’m not—” But I couldn’t even make the denial sound honest. Not when I had been.

“I know, and you have the right to feel how you feel. It’s your body and I know the kids take it over. The cravings come. The desire and the need. Then the emotions slip their leash. You worry about everything and nothing.” The description was so damn accurate. “You’ve been an overachiever from day one, it’s one of the things I always admired about you.”

He pressed a kiss to my left knee, then my right. With light hands, he glided them apart, stroking the skin. His touch was so familiar and welcome. It made me hotter now than it had when I was seventeen. Just remembering that first night together…

A shiver raced up my spine.

I touched my fingers to his cheek and his smile softened.

“I see you Frankie Standish. I always have. I fucking love you more than anything else on this planet. You are the best goddamn thing that ever happened to me. With you, I’ve experienced so many things that I can’t put into words but I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world.”

When he reached the suggestion of stretch marks on my thighs, he teased his fingers along them, following them up to my stomach. The pouch of stretched skin there never went away. The suggestion of a bump was definitely present, a reality more than just the camouflage of previous stretching.

“These babies…” He spread his fingers over the worst of the marks, cupping the suggestion of a bump. “They are already the loves of my life just like their sister and their brothers. Because we made them…you, me, and the guys. Our family is growing and I couldn’t love you more if I tried.”

Hot tears splashed against my cheeks as he stared up at me.

“Every single one of these marks, the spread to your hips, the thickness of your thighs and your breasts—fuck me, those breasts. I love fucking them, you know that and I can really fuck them now.” The husky growl at the end had my pussy clenching and more dampness escaping.

Archie and that devilish tongue of his. He paused and took a deep breath, then leaned closer to my pussy. The whisper of touch and breath sent a wave of goosebumps over my skin.

“Fuck, you even smell better. How is that possible?” Then he pushed my thighs wide. He had no shame, but considering I pushed my hips upward as he pressed his face closer—I couldn’t really fault him.

I had no shame either.

Then he licked me from entrance to clit and my thighs started quivering.

“Oh, someone is swollen and eager,” he murmured. The vibration next to my clit had me squirming. Then he teased his tongue around it in circles. “Swollen, red, and hot as hell—just like you.” He hummed as he sucked against my clit, it was the most sensual torture. Like he knew exactly how much pressure to apply before I would lose my mind and not quite going that far.

It was heaven and hell.

“Archie…” It came out more a moan than a whine.

“I have you, Babe,” he said in between swirling his tongue and tormenting me. I was so focused on his mouth and his tongue, that the pressure of his fingers pressing into me was damn near startling. His chuckle was so delighted when I gasped.

Not that he gave me too much time to savor the stretch before he curled those fingers. He was a master at finding the spot inside me just as he applied so much pressure to my clit, I swore I split apart.

A scream left my throat as I fisted both the bed covering and his hair. He devoured me as he used his hand to fuck me and that orgasm rocked me. I came in a rush of dampness, soaking his hand and his face.

The tempo of his licking shifted as I shuddered my way back to earth. It was like he needed to take in every drop before it escaped.

“Perfection,” he said in husky tone. “Absolute perfection. I could eat you all day… and maybe I will.”

Oh shit. I couldn’t grasp a thought as he made good on his promise. He fucked me with his fingers, then his tongue, then his fingers again never quite letting me come. Instead, he edged me over and over again, until I was sobbing from it.

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