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“Yes, sir,” I murmured and that earned me an entirely different kind of heated look. Being Ian’s sub gave me a lot of privileges and we rarely channeled it into everyday life. But now and then… Well, I needed to just turn off the pressure and let Ian decide.

Right now, that helped.

Everything helped.

Ian caught the sleeper from Jake as he passed him. I rose to move over to Jake, and he tugged me in for a proper kiss good morning after a breath check that actually made me giggle.

“Good morning, Baby Girl. Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas,” I murmured. We’d just celebrated his birthday earlier in the week. The year had gone by so quickly. “How are you?”

“Not bad,” he said around a yawn, then gave me another kiss. “Much better now.” He studied me, the alertness in his pale blue eyes at odds with being up so late.


“Didn’t want to sleep. He kept winding himself up. That’s why I brought him down. Easier to settle him and not risk him waking up the kids or you.”

I lifted a hand to scratch at his beard. He tilted his head, eyes half-closed at the petting.

“Keep that up and I’ll be asleep in nothing flat.”

I laughed. “Later,” I promised. “You need to get a nap in.”

“Don’t worry, Baby Girl. I’ll be fine.” Then he gave me another kiss. “Coffee?”

“Hmm.” I was more than willing to be distracted. The smell of coffee was at least something I could still savor. We’d just gotten the decaf started in the pot while Jake actually made a latte. It wouldn’t be long before the others drifted in and they’d want their own.

“I feel like I should tell you something,” Jake said, folding his arms and studying me. Shirtless and dressed in jeans with his dark hair disheveled from sleep and his beard…he looked practically edible and I swore my whole body went liquid at once.

“Hmm? What’s up? Also…if there’s time today, I’d very much like to give you a blowjob.”

He blinked once, the corners of his mouth twitching. “Noted. We’ll make time.” Then he winked and I grinned. Honestly, if Jeremy weren’t going to be out here any minute or Ian back down with Charlie, I’d drag Jake off somewhere right now.

“Thank you.”

“Oh, my pleasure.” He shook his head. “That said, I still feel like I should tell you about the other day before you got back.”

“Then I return to my earlier question. What’s up?”

He made a face then lifted his shoulders. “I took Josh to the skating rink. Mini hockey, but it’s all still learning phases.”

“I remember.” I moved to start preheating the ovens. It would be nice to make blueberry muffins up before Jeremy kicked us all out.

“Well, before I went I had been working on Coop’s car. The engine is still doing that faint ticking. I think I fixed it this time.” Annoyance filled his expression. Then he shook it off. “Anyway, I had taken my ring off and then forgot it on the counter out in the garage.”

“It’s okay to forget the ring,” I told him. I held up my bare fingers. “I can’t wear mine at all right now.” I probably wouldn’t until after the babies came and I lost some of the water weight.

“Well, you’re also very pregnant.”

“True,” I said as if just noticing and his eyes flashed with humor before he finished making his coffee then he focused on me again. “One of the moms hit on me and I didn’t even notice what she was doing until she mentioned me having Josh on the weekends.”

I bit the inside of my lip to keep from laughing. The mournful look on Jake’s face told me he felt really bad about this.

“I should have seen it and shut it down, but it dragged a little before I realized then I told her. I’m a happily married man with three kids and two more on the way.”


“It’s not okay, I should have seen it sooner. Then she says something stupid like if that ever changes?—”
