Page 54 of Mafia Savior

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Everything seems to shimmer and sparkle in the sunlight streaming in through the store's large, spotless windows. Which reminds me of the gold sparkly thread in my glass plug. No one can see the outline of the handle…


I feel the weight of it in my ass as I move around the leather jackets and boots, cotton T-shirts, silk dresses and skirts, the intricate patterns and designs creating a symphony of scents that fill the store. Expensive leather, floral perfume, cologne, and aftershave. I can barely concentrate as I walk through the front doors, inhaling deeply.

It's hard to decide where to focus my attention.

Everywhere I look there are designer labels I’ve heard of but never touched – names like Gucci, Prada, Valentino, and Louis Vuitton.

I can't imagine what the things in this store must cost.

I feel small and out of place as I move past tables of items, my shoes squeaking slightly against the polished hardwood floors. I wish Beckett or Ashely were by my side right now. I have no idea what to ask for. But Beckett probably wouldn't either.

He walked me into the store, left me with a kiss, then posted himself outside the door. Right now, he's standing guard like a member of the Secret Service.

I'm about to turn around and head for the door when a beautiful woman with a kind face approaches me. She smiles brightly and says, "Welcome to Daughtry's. I saw you walk in with Mr. Bachman but gave you a moment to check out the store. I’d love to help you. Are you looking for anything in particular?"

"Um, no," I stammer, my cheeks heating. "I've never been here before and I don't really know where to start."

"It is overwhelming the first time you come in. I totally get it. We have so many beautiful things. It's hard to know where to begin." She places her hand on my shoulder, gently, like you would an animal you don't want to startle for fear they might dart away. "May I help you?"

I breathe a sigh of relief. "Yes. That would be great."

"Tell me," she says, leading me deeper into the store. "What kind of clothing are you shopping for today?"

"I'm looking for a wardrobe for a trip to Greece." I do my best to guess what I might need. "Dresses, bathing suits, sandals."

Her eyes sparkle with excitement. "Lucky girl! How fun. Let me show you what we have. You'll need a few summer outfits for sure in Greece. Let me show you some of our most popular items."

The woman leads me through the store and I'm in awe of all the different clothing styles, fabrics, colors, and textures. She shows me everything from breezy cotton sundresses to glamorous evening gowns. We browse together through the racks, her picking out a few things she thinks might look good on me and my eyes widening at each passing item.

There are no price tags. I feel cheap, asking what this will cost. But it would be irresponsible not to, right? Even though Beckett threatened me with a spanking if I don't buy every single thing I need.

I glance toward the front door at Beckett. He's still standing watch. Hasn't moved a muscle, reminding me of one of those guards I've seen on TV, standing outside of Buckingham Palace.

This woman is really good at her job, so good she can sense my unease and knows why I'm feeling it. She leans closer, whispering discreetly.

"Mr. Bachman will be expecting you to show up with all these items and more. Please. Just trust me and don't worry. Try to enjoy the experience. He wants you to have it all." Her voice goes even lower. "And he can more than afford it. I promise."

"Okay. Thanks. That does make me feel better." I breathe and take her advice, letting myself enjoy this once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Finally, after what seems like an eternity of shopping, we make it to the swimsuit section. I'm blown away by the sheer variety of suits available — dozens of bikinis, one pieces, tankinis — I can't make up my mind which one I like best.

The woman helps me narrow it down to a small pile. “Want to try these on?”

I think of the plug in my ass. I’d be mortified if anyone saw it. “Um... no, thank you.”

I choose a beautiful blue two piece. She pairs it with a matching sarong. We settle on a sexy red one piece with a low back and a classic black bikini as well. She puts together all the accessories I'll need for my trip: sandals, sunglasses, sunscreen, makeup, hair products, lotions for after-sun care.

"I think this will do nicely," she says with satisfaction as we admire our handiwork spread out over the long, white marble countertop.

“I can’t thank you enough. I really had absolutely no idea where to even start.” We exchange pleasantries as her pretty minions come to help box and bag up all of my purchases. How will I carry all of this out of the store? I glance over my shoulder at Beckett, hoping to beckon for some help. His eyes are still straight ahead.

I turn back to the saleswoman. "Um... I'm sorry about this but can I have some help getting this outside?"

She smiles and shakes her head. "No. No. No."

My stomach sinks. Have I said the wrong thing?

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