Page 42 of Submission

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“But I promise. I’ll come back later, and once your guests leave, we’ll curl up on the couch and watch our shows.” Paisley looks across the table to Thomas. “And then I’ll be up to chat. But I’ll sleep in my own bed. Promise. And I do not snore!”

Thomas laughs. Henry groans. “Seriously. Paise. I can hear it through the wall in my room.”

“Heavy breathing. Beauties don’t snore, Henry.” Mrs. Bachman eyes Paisley. “Dinner’s just about over. I wanted our family together at this table tonight, but now it’s time for us to move to the formal dining room for dessert with everyone who is still in town. Then, we’ll move to the living room for drinks, and you know some of us Beauties will be cranking up the tunes, so I hope you’re ready to dance!”

Please. God. No.

“Mom,” Paisley says. “Would it be okay if we go now?” Ah—she’s cutting all this short. Like she said she would. Thank God. But then I’ll owe her a favor. The favor… I get the feeling this girl gets what she wants, favor or not.

“I can take her,” I say. “No problem.”

Bronson looks to his wife. “Let her go. These are our friends here tonight anyway. You’ll get your quiet family time later when everyone’s gone. And Katie will sleep here at home tonight. That’s what’s important.”

“You’re right.” Mrs. Bachman nods. “Parties give me energy. But I know that even though you enjoy them, Katie, they drain you. Go take a break, sweetheart. Go see your house.”

We say our goodbyes. Her brothers excuse themselves as well. The power couple moves to the formal dining room where their guests are beginning to gather for dessert.

Paisley’s quiet as we make our way down the hall toward the front door.

What does she want from me?



The sound of laughter and the clatter of flatware echo behind us, and I focus my eyes anywhere other than the back of her in that short, silky, dark blue dress she wears as I follow her through the house.

I love short dresses. Not for me. I mean—God, just walking behind her has my mind jumbled. I seriously need to focus. My charge has already attempted to escape once. I’ve got to be on top of my game twenty-four seven but now she’s turning over her shoulder, offering me a smile.

“Thanks. For doing this,” she says, sweetly.

I clear my throat, averting my eyes to a heavily framed landscape painting that hangs on the wall. “It’s my job.”


Raised a princess, she stands at the front door, waiting for me to open it. Something edgy comes over me. Sexual frustration? “You can open your own doors, you know.”

“I’m more than happy to.” She gives me a cutting look. “But I know better. A man like you might make something as simple as a young woman opening the door for herself into some sort of security breach.” Crossing her arms over her chest, she tilts her head to the side. She delicately lifts a brow. “Might feel the need to punish her accordingly.”

Damn. She’s right. Had she opened the door for herself, I’d be pissed about that as well.

“You’re right. From now on, I open all doors.” Thinking of her pink backpack, I say, “I also carry all bags. Got that?”

With so many guests and the party last night, there’s been a lot of traffic on the road, possibly drawing attention to the entrance road of the Hamlet. I brush past her, open the door, and step out into the night. I can see my night shift men, hidden in the shadows. I’ve had them starting the mission tonight. Better safe than sorry. They are spread out around the yard like a clock, one man at each hour.

The day shift will arrive early in the morning, spelling the night shift. The nighters will then head to a hotel in the city to sleep. The day shift, Paisley, Mrs. Bachman, and I will then head to the city for the mother-daughter outing.

Next, a short drive to the family’s private airport in the city where we all—twenty-four members of the security team, Paisley, and me—take off for our first stop.

I’ve not seen the full itinerary for the Pink Princess Parade, as I’ve taken to calling her two weeks of traveling freedom in my mind. Doesn’t matter where we go. My team will be ready. I’ll be ready. I’ve had staff pack for me so I’ll be prepped for any weather or location.

I pull car keys from my pocket, twirling them around my fingertip. “Walk or drive?”

The night air’s a little cool. She wraps her arms around her body, glancing up at the stars. “Walk,” she says. “It’s a beautiful night.”

I look up to where she stares. A navy, inky sky covered in tiny white lights. “We can’t see the stars when we’re in the city. Too much artificial light. This is pretty.”

Wrapping her arms tighter around her body, she walks down the stone path. “I love it here.”

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