Page 18 of Captive Games

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Now, he wants my shoes and pants off?

Hurt me… how?

“When I punish a naughty girl, I make her first submit to me.”

I shove my hands deeper into my pockets. There’s no doubt in my mind. I need these boots on my feet because I have to fight. I have to run. Because I’m pretty sure I know what he’s demanding when he says the word submit. He’s planning on forcing himself on me. Isn’t he?

He blocks the door, the door he’s locked, the key safely stowed in his pocket. That’s no way out. The windows are my only hope. Maybe one is unlocked behind those heavy curtains, and maybe, just maybe I can fight him off long enough to escape through one.

I slowly start to creep away, keeping my eyes on him but moving backward.

“Don’t try to run, girl.”

“What do you mean by submit to you?” I ask.

“Obey me. And the first step in your submission is baring yourself to me. I won’t force myself on you, I only mean you must be naked for me to punish you.”

A tiny prick of relief hits me, but it’s fleeting, the weight of the severity of the situation settling all around me. I have to take off all my clothes. And then be punished.

“And—how will you punish me?”

“I’m going to tie you up and whip you with my belt.”

My stomach drops. My feet stop moving. Take off all my clothes and let him do what he said? I can survive that.

It’s better than the alternatives my imagination is providing.

“And if I do that, if I—” It takes me a beat to get the word out. “Submit… to you, then you’ll let me go?”

“That part I don’t know yet. Depends on how much I feel I can trust ye. But if you submit and take what you’ve got coming to you like a good girl, then there’s no more punishment.” His eyes flash. “For now.”

I reluctantly accept this—it’s the lesser of the evils. I crouch down, slipping one UGG off, then the other. I can feel his eyes on me, but I try to ignore him, pretending I’m back in my dorm room, alone, undressing for the night.

To my further humiliation, as I’m gracefully trying to tug a boot from my foot, I end up plopping down on my bottom with an unexpected, “oomph.”

I don’t need to look up to know my graceless plop brings that crooked grin to his dark, handsome face. I continue about my business, lining my boots neatly beside one another on the edge of the carpet.

That was easy.

Now, the socks. I pull my thick woolen socks off one at a time, tucking them into a boot. And now is the time I hit my lowest, most self-loathing point as I vainly try to remember which pair of no-frill panties I’m wearing right now. Black bikini style. Thank God it’s not the ones with the hearts. I have to stand back up to peel down my leggings, instantly losing the comfort of being fully dressed and balled up on the floor.

I try to avoid his gaze, but in my heated blush, my eyes flutter to his face. I quickly look back down, focusing solely on grabbing the elastic waist of my black leggings. Do I grab the panties too, removing both in one painful swoop?

No. It’s too much. And I’m holding out hope that once I’m down to my bra and panties, he’ll change his mind, allowing me to keep both on.

I’ve never, ever been this naked in front of someone. My pulse doubles, my heart pounding as I stand here. He has to let me keep the underwear.

I drop the leggings onto the tops of the boots. Now for the coat. It’s long enough to offer a comfortable amount of modesty, the hem hitting mid-thigh. My fingers tremble as I grip the zipper between my forefinger and thumb.

Up to this point he’s been wordlessly watching me, lording the power he has over me through his steady gaze. Now, he moves toward me, closing the gap between us with two long strides.

“Here. Let me help you with that.”

“Thanks,” I murmur before I can stop the word, politeness my involuntary go-to.

He moves behind me, the heat of his breath tickling my cheek as he grabs the collar of my coat, sliding it down one arm then the other. He folds the coat in half, laying it over the boots, the rose still peeking out of my coat pocket.

His hands return to me, gripping the elastic waist of my oversized sweatshirt. “Lift.” It’s a simple, one word instruction, but the command in his voice makes tingles dance down my spine.

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