Page 102 of Hunted

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She waits until he relinquishes his grip to melt backward against me and display her glossy eyed stare which affirms what I already knew.

She really did enjoy being punished.

I offer her a cocky wink before stating to the man in our life, “Why don’t you go get her washed off?” Both of my hands helplessly indulge in a cupping of her slightly sticky titties. “I’ll rub her down afterwards.”

Bunny arches her back on a whispered, “Promise, Sir?”

“I always keep my word, Rabbit.”

“That he does,” The Kid chuckles and lifts Bunny out of my lap to carry her to his bathroom. “That he does…”

Seeing the two of them disappear in the direction of his room with wide mouth smiles further instills that sense of peace I was worried would never be found again.

I’m glad it didn’t actually leave so much as temporarily hide.

Not sure it would’ve ever come back had it truly left.

Just as I rise to my feet to ditch my own clothes, the sound of the garage bell rings, pulling my attention in the way I least expected it.

Warily, I hustle down the stairs.

Skip turning on more lights because the emergency overhead ones are enough.

I make sure the wrench is within reach and cautiously crack open the door only enough to see who it is.

Unfortunately for me, it’s two faces I was hoping I wouldn’t have to see again.

Damn sure not on my fucking doorstep.

“Mr. Nolan,” Detective Davis states at the same time he flashes me his badge. “Remember us?”

Rather than answer, I wait for what the knot in my stomach tells me is coming next.

“We’ve got a search warrant for your home, business, and vehicle,” Detective Northwood announces while waving around a folded piece of paper, two uniformed officers hanging over his shoulder. “And uh…” the corners of his lips curl vilely upward, “we also have a few questions for you to answer down at the precinct.”

Knowing exactly what they’re hoping I’ll do makes it so damn easy to do the opposite. “Come on in, boys.” The swift opening of the door precedes my own villainous grin. “You’re welcomed to do your jobs.”

Davis and Northwood both wrinkle their foreheads in surprise.

“And I’ll be happy to answer any of your questions at the precinct…” I lean my back against the edge of the frame and fold my arms across my chest. “As soon as my attorney is present.”

Chapter 21


I hate this.

I hate the way we didn’t get to have fucking make up sex.

I hate the way they barged into our fucking apartment.

I hate the way they’re wrecking our fucking shit.

I hate the way they’re making us just sit out here and fucking watch.

But what I hate the fucking most?

The undeniable, tire sized amount of dread rolling around in the pit of my stomach that Bunny is back to the idea of running again.

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