Page 115 of Hunted

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Catching one of her wrists before it sucker punches me – a mistake you only make one time – leads to her instinctively swinging the other in my direction out of sheer will to break free. The instant it’s caught too, I gently encourage, “Relax, Rabbit. It’s me.” Her ink covered body continues thrashing. “It’s Mutt.”

Like normal, hearing the nickname freezes her movements.

Opens her eyes.

Convinces her to assess the actual situation she’s in and realize she was only dreaming.

Fuck, if I knew how to infiltrate that shit Freddy Krueger style I would.

I’d kill that motherfucker that’s haunting her there to give her a prequel of what’s to come in the real world when I get my hands on him.

As soon as Bunny finishes processing that she’s awake and whatever it was that was happening wasn’t real, her entire body sags in relief against the gray sheets. Relinquishing my hold is followed by her rolling onto her side and tucking her hands together underneath her sullen face.

I pull the cover up to her shoulder at the same time I firmly declare, “You’re safe here.”

Unfortunately, she doesn’t bother agreeing.

Or disagreeing.

Probably because that would require her to speak.

Which she hasn’t done.

At least…not consciously to us.

Not since that creepy ex fuck of hers managed to get a message into our apartment.

How he did it?

That’s the question The Kid and I need an answer to.

Why he did it?

Well, that’s the reason our woman has completely shut the fuck down.

It’s what he wanted.

To prove he still has power over her.


And until she gets it through her thick, stubborn skull that she’s the one who has the power…that gives him that power…she’s gonna always find herself feeling this…defeated.

And I hate there’s nothing I can do to snap her out of it.

Hasn’t stopped me from trying though.

“I gotta go meet, Garcia.” Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear threatens to bring out a smirk from us both. “Get some updates on the cases.”

Her eyebrows briefly furrow in confusion.

“Yeah, Rabbit.” This time I let the corners of my lips successfully curl upward. “It’s already Thursday.” Seeing her eyes widen to the size of truck tires causes me to slightly chuckle. “Wild how time flies when you’re already stocked up on carrots, huh?”

The impish retort receives the narrowed gaze I was hoping it would yet not the verbal lashing.
