Page 116 of Hunted

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God, I’d do anything to hear her say some snarky shit to me.

To The Kid.

Even just…a simple…hi would ease this gnawing ache that just stirs in my gut like fucking wet cement in a cement truck.

“You hungry?”

Rabbit shakes her head.

Snuggles deeper under the sheet.


She repeats the action.


Once more I’m given a mirth-filled glare proving that regardless of how the shit looks, our woman is still somewhere in there.

Trying to survive.

Desperate to break free.

An overly dramatic sigh floods the room inspiring more humor to fill her gaze but not the rest of her expression. “Can’t blame a man for hopin’, right?”

I’m shot a quirked eyebrow full of so much attitude, I swear I can practically hear the thoughts accompanying it.


The fucking lengths I would go to in order to have her actually speak to us again are getting more extreme by the hour.

“Want me to send The Kid up?” Moving the TV remote closer to the pile of pens on the bedside dresser is casually executed. “Have him keep you company for a while? Maybe watch a movie or something to take your mind off of shit?” She hesitates to wordlessly reply prompting me to instantly remind, “It’s not a big deal, Rabbit. The garage is still closed for repairs, so you’re not keepin’ him from workin’. I swear.”

At that, she sheepishly nods.

“Is that a yes?”

She nods with a little more vigor the second time.

“Alright then, I’ll grab him.” I lean over and plant a soft kiss on the side of her forehead. “Try to get some more rest while I’m gone.”

Getting from my room to where Kipp is slamming around tools – clearly failing to hide his frustration – is done fairly quickly; however, I can’t ignore the feeling that getting from the garage to my nonwork truck is going to take a bit more time.

As soon as my best friend sees me, he carelessly chucks the wrench to the side and crosses over to cut off my path. “How is she?!” Anxiousness and hope furiously fuse together on his face. “Better?” It’s impossible not to acknowledge the longing in his blindingly bright, crystal stare. “She finally talking?”

There’s no time to even think about replying.

“She say your name?! My name?!” Eagerness has him closing the gap between us. “Our names?!”

Gently dropping my hands on his shoulder is accompanied by firmly commanding, “Breathe, Kid.”

Against his own volition, he does.

“Take an early lunch. Go spend some time with her.”

“I don’t know that that’s a good idea…” He shifts his weight back and forth uncomfortably. “I honestly don’t think she wants me around.” His gaze wanders away to get lost in the distance. “Cares if I’m around. I kinda think if I wasn’t bringing her different color pens throughout the day, she wouldn’t even remember I exist.”

“Kid,” I forcefully state, summoning his attention back to me, “you gotta be patient. She just needs a little more time.” My fingers flex, prompting his tense muscles to loosen. “She’s still here, which means she still wants us. To be with us. She didn’t fucking run after she found that note. Never forget that.”

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