Page 27 of Hunted

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“Because they used the damn thing’s blood to spell out the word bunny on the bathroom door! Like some sort of creepy, crawly Criminal Minds message! And you know how obsessed Kirsten is with that show. Can you believe she got me and Norm to start watching it? Thank God they rarely ever harm animals like that on it. Just people.”

All of a sudden, the cart knocks into the counter causing me to cut off my response and shift my gaze over to Bunny.

Or at least where she should be yet no longer is.

Spotting her ass hightailing it out of the shop has me abruptly insisting I’ll be right back and following suit.

Where the hell is she going?

And why?

Sure, the story’s a bit ride in the back of a hearse for fun, dark but that’s not a fucking reason to just bolt.

That shit doesn’t have anything to do with her.

Or her situation.

Or the prick from the Lambo.

Or…is there a mile marker chance in hell…that it does?

Chapter 7


It wasn’t him.

It couldn’t have been.

Or even it was – because let’s be fucking real it probably was – it doesn’t matter.

He doesn’t know exactly where I am.

The GPS was found broken.

No longer tracking.

No longer informing him of my whereabouts.

I just wish I knew when it broke.

Maybe if I had that exact information or even a ballpark idea, I wouldn’t have run out of the store as if he were only two blocks away from finding me again.



I probably would’ve still run out of the store like that.

It’s what I do.

Some people run for fun.

Some people run for pay.

I run for survival.

