Page 41 of Hunted

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Become devoted to every goddamn stretch and split and sloppy thrust savagely executed.

“Such a good girl coming for me.”

Bunny shouting my name in an airy secession while her pussy swells over and over and over again results in my knees knocking together. I continue to jerk her into my increasingly less stable actions and convince myself not to get swept away by the sight of her dark, pointed nipples swaying to the same undulating movement of her hips.

Plead with my dick not to be distracted by the way she won’t stop shaking.

The way she can’t stop struggling to breathe.

How desperate she is to momentarily shut her legs.

“Reward me…” she quietly begs, lifting her hooded brown gaze to meet my blue. “Reward me for being your good girl, Kipp.”

Sweltering streams of cum thoughtlessly shoot from me at the same time my head lulls backwards. “Fuckkkkkkkkk!”

What’s typically a couple of thick bursts becomes a lot more pretty quickly. One after another feeds her still twitching muscles, unable to stop, refusing to stop, dedicated to not stopping, until her warm palms are anxiously pressing on my lower stomach to separate us.

At that point, my blurry vision leaves the ceiling to witness the cum beginning to leak free.

An almost inhuman growl is attached to me mercilessly shoving two fingers deep inside the space I just left instantly reclaiming it. Her. “You wanted that reward…” The digits wedge themselves further causing her breath to catch and muscles to clamp down. “You fucking keep it, baby.”

Chapter 10


“Why are you doing this to me?” Kipp questions, amusement and exasperation intertwined in his warm tone.

“Because you took away the car mag, I was originally doing it to,” I answer while starting another capital K directly next to the lowercase d I just finished.

“Yeah, I didn’t think that Ferrari you were giving a custom paint job to would’ve appreciated it.” The mirth in his voice curls the corners of my lips upward. “My gut was sayin’ ‘small dick’ written all over it was defeating the purpose of his purchase and the article about its performance.”

My gaze cuts upward to meet his. “They wrote a whole article about how much he sucks in bed? Ouch.”

“The car’s performance. Not his.”

“Are you sure?”


“Absolutely sure?”


“A thousand percent sure?”

“You just like the sound of my voice, huh?”

I do.

Especially when he’s calling me a good girl and making me come.

Three times in one day isn’t exactly a record but add it to the two rounds I went with Nolan earlier, and it most certainly fucking is.

At least for me.

I haven’t gotten off that many times alone in fucking years.

And with another person or people ever.
