Page 43 of Hunted

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“I’ll show you how many ponies I have under my hood anytime…”

There’s no stopping me from meeting his eyes again on a snicker. “Was it sixth grade? Did I miss your elementary school graduation? I don’t remember seeing an email for it this morning.”

Another good-natured pop is given to my ass; however, his hand lingers on a cheek afterward. “How about I grab you some colored pens and fancy journals when I’m in Crystal Waters later this week?”


That. word.

Fuck. That. One. Single. Word.

Fuck that one single word and everything that comes with it.

I’m not someone’s trophy.

Or prized possession.

Or buried fucking treasure you murder your fellow pirate mate over to keep all to yourself.

And I don’t care what the man hunting me says.

I know his frat brother didn’t randomly fall off that yacht and drown after trying to help give me an exit strategy to the living nightmare I was desperate to leave.

He was pushed.

And the point to all those that were watching our relationship was proven.

“I don’t need fancy shit, Kipp.” Scooting slightly out of his grasp forces him to move his hand. “I don’t need anything.” Additional annoyance at having my previous drawing pattern interrupted has me sitting crossed legged to write on my own ankle. Dig into my own flesh harder than I was his. Angrier. More anxiously. To present myself with new pain to pacify the other. “I damn sure don’t need anyone.” Scribbling the opening lines to “Better Off Alone” by Alice Deejay thoughtlessly begins. “And above all else I don’t need anything from anyone that isn’t Me, Myself, and I.” The statement transitions my lyrics quoting to the G-Eazy song by the same title. “I can and have been taking care of me just fucking fine.” The speed of the scrawling increases. “Thank you very much.”

“Okay.” His pause is brief to let his frame move closer back to mine. “Maybe you don’t need anything or anyone-”

“I don’t. There’s no maybe.”

“Fine, you don’t need anything or anyone, but that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve it, baby.”

My rapid hand movement threatens to slow down.

“And just because you can take care of you, doesn’t mean some asshole like me doesn’t wanna help do it, too.”

Against my own volition I peer up and over at his adoring expression. “You’re not an asshole, Kid.”

All of a sudden, the front door swings open revealing an exhausted Nolan. “Fuck me, could I use a beer and some tits in my face.”

“He’s the asshole.” I playfully wink prior to us redirecting our attention to him. “Hi to you too, Mutt.”

“Rabbit.” He tosses his keys on the kitchen counter during his approach our direction. “Kid.”

I hate that I didn’t think to ban that nickname in my life sooner.

I double hate that the damn thing has actually grown on me in such a short time.

And I absolutely loathe how much I not only like it, but crave it coming from him.

Don’t even let me get started on how much I simply wanted him around today too.

It’s not that I don’t like or want The Kid.

I mean we spent the day together streaming the classic Speed Racer anime, fucking, and flirting like what we’re doing is permanent instead of a temporary fling for a few days.
