Page 45 of Hunted

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“Nope,” Nolan emotionlessly replies, expression unchanged.

“Do you ever think to fucking ask?” Kipp swiftly counters. “Do you ever fucking think that maybe I wanna decide on some shit myself? That I don’t want everything decided fucking for me?”

“I think that this fucking conversation isn’t about a fucking tow job.”

When Kipp doesn’t immediately answer, I can’t resist looking back over at him.

Examining the tightness in his jaw.

The frustration wrinkling his forehead.

What is this really about?


Working on my car?

Letting me stay here longer than a night?

Fucking me?

Why do I get the feeling that I’m right in the center of whatever is happening between them?

“You got something to say, Kid?” Nolan adjusts his body to angle himself in a more challenging nature. “Fuckin’ say it.”

Kipp remains silent.


“Don’t tuck your sack back now. You’ve been comin’ at me crooked for the last two fuckin’ days, so either man the fuck up or shut the fuck up. It’s that simple.”

Wrong timing, but fuck, when he uses that authoritative tone, it makes me wanna get under him.

And on top of him.

And scream “Yes, Sir” like they’re the only two words I fucking know.


How am I still this horny after getting laid that much?

Is this like…dry spell aftershocks or something?!

“I’m not eighteen anymore. I’m old enough to make decisions about shit.” The blanket statement feels teeming with subtext. “And I expect to be included in making decisions about future shit. Especially our future shit.” Their eyes lock in the space in front of me. “I can handle shit. I need…you to realize I’m ready to handle shit.”

A small teeth suck precedes a quiet rebuttal, “Yeah, well, maybe I’m not ready for you to handle shit, Kipp.”

“Maybe you should fucking get ready,” he bucks back. Straightens his spine.

An unmistakable heat flashes in his brown glare. “Maybe I should.”

“Maybe you should at least give me a chance to show you that I am.”

The pen in my hand gets absentmindedly tucked behind my ear in anticipation of his next move.

“So, show me,” Nolan grittily growls. “Fucking show me you know how to handle shit, Kid.”

Without hesitation, Kipp gently turns my face.
