Page 61 of Hunted

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“And why are we giving me shit about the mug I bought you, anyway?” Nolan comically croaks. “It’s still better than the bouquet of pens The Kid got you.”

“That was thoughtful!” he swiftly snaps around his snickers.

“It wasn’t any more thoughtful than my mug shit. You just wanted her to stop stealing your shit too.”

“Not…” his voice wavers, “just…that…”

“Fuck you both,” I girlishly giggle at the same time I sit completely up. “I never told you that you had to share your shit with me.”

“No, but that’s just the shit you do with your…” Our attention soars to Nolan whose mouth seems to be bobbing as if unsure of how he should finish the sentence. “Um…” His throat clearing precedes a small shrug. “Yeah.”

Am I?

Am I the obvious fill in the blank answer there?

I mean…I can’t be, can I?

I mean…I shouldn’t be.

I don’t need to be.

It’s not safe.

Of course not for me, but I meant not for them.

And of all the people I’ve ever met, I honestly don’t think I could live with their blood on my hands.

I have to go.

I have to get away from here.

The second my car is fixed, I have to get the hell out of Death Canyon.

It’s the only way to guarantee they don’t end up in an “accidental” housefire or “mauled” by a bear or “caught” tangled up in their own fishing wire.

I don’t know how that monster never fails to find the people who have been kind or helped me…but he does.

He always does.

“You also take your um…ya know…on real dates that don’t take place on the couch,” Kipp redirects the conversation along with our stares to him, “which we agreed to do next week when we go pick up your parts.”

Yeah, that whole “one week if I’m lucky, two if I’m not” is easily becoming “two weeks if I’m lucky, a month if I’m not”.

Not that I hate being here.

I just hate how risky it is being here.

Crazy thing is…even if I said fuck that car and just rented a new one or took my chances trying to hitchhike…I don’t think the two of them would let me get away that easy.

Hell, after that Toth scare earlier in the week, one has had their sights on me at all times unless I was pissing or shitting and even then, they were literally on the other side of the door waiting to make sure I didn’t climb out a bathroom window and scurry down the side of the building like fucking Gwen Stacy.

Can’t imagine what they’d do to the windows if they ever found out I actually have shimmied down and around more than one fire escape in my lifetime including this last fleeing session.

“Yup.” Nolan extends his arm along the back of the couch behind me. “I’m even taking off of work for it.”

Warmth unexpectedly spreads along the pit of my stomach as we lock eyes. “Really?”

