Page 66 of Hunted

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Small shit that for some inexplicable reason is beginning to feel like big shit.

I plop the black dress shirt and gray dress pants on the counter in front of Posie McGarth, the owner’s daughter – also the only other employee of this shop – and try to tame the grin I’m displaying. “Can you hear ‘em up here?”

She carelessly drops her phone to one side of the counter and lets her bright blue eyes find my brown. “Not really.” Her bottom teeth steal a long, not subtle bite of her bottom lip the same way her mom’s always does when she’s looking at me too. “And that doesn’t have to be a bad thing.”

While Posie may be easy on the eyes and there may be nothing wrong with fucking people in the same family, I’ve never really wanted to join the list of men in this town – or the next one over – who could say with a straight face “your mom does it better”.

And despite what that cheating cunt of an ex of mine would say, I’ve never slept with this girl.

She’s too young.

Much too young.

I mean she fucking graduated with The Kid, for crying out loud.


Okay that’s…different.

He’s different.

What we’ve got there is…fuck.

Why the fuck do I feel the need to keep justifying that shit instead of just letting it be whatever the fuck it is?

“Do me favor?” I retrieve my wallet from my back pocket. “No matter what either of them say, don’t let them pay.” Offering her my credit card is done with a goofy grin I need someone to scrub the fuck off my face. “I got it.” The instant the object is in her possession, I inquire, “You got it?”

“I got it.”

My head tips to one side to silently repeat the question.

“I got it, Nolan.” She’s tossed a smile of gratitude that’s cut short by her dramatic sighing. “You must really like this one.”

Sidestepping her word choice is easy. “Yeah, I guess you could say she’s…grown on me.”

“I’d say a lot more than that,” Posie states and pulls the clothes to her side of the counter. “You’ve always been this way with Kipp – the coddling, the cooing-”

“I don’t fucking coo.”

“-the wining and dining-”

“Kid has to eat.”

“-but you were sooooooo never like this with Jolene.”

Maybe if Jolene gave more of a shit I might’ve been.

Hell, if she gave half the amount of shit about me that Rabbit has since she’s shown up, I would’ve been more likely to marry her.

I said more likely not that I definitely would’ve.

She not so fucking secretly couldn’t stand The Kid, and I’d pick his ass over anyone else on any day of the week that ends in y.

“Come to think of it,” she gathers the clothing up to her chest like a blanket she needs to clutch for stability during her declaration, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this in love.”

My mouth drops down to argue the obvious, yet nothing comes out causing my eyebrows to pull together.

What the fuck?

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