Page 84 of Hunted

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Even when he was only eighteen comparing a good tint job to a good tit job.

“What were you lookin’ at when we came in?” I casually inquire to him as he hands Rabbit her mug. “Porn?”

“Emails.” The woman we can’t get enough of pecks him with a kiss of gratitude. “First, The Grim Keeper,” he finds Rabbit’s stare, “which is the community newsletter. And why a town of thirty-five people – soon thirty-six because Lulu Jo is apparently pregnant – needs a fucking weekly email chain is a parts manual written in Latin level of mystery to me.”

Airy laughter fills the kitchen, and I lower my fingers to rest on the side of his bare torso.

“Wait,” she suddenly insists on a quirked eyebrow, “don’t you mean you thirty-four soon to be thirty-five?”



“You make thirty-five Rabbit,” I casually remind on a crooked grin. “Might as well get used to callin’ this place home because your sweet ass ain’t goin’ nowhere.”

Her faint urge to argue is there, yet she doesn’t.

She simply lets it fade.

Presses her lips together and remains silent in unspoken compliance.

“No part of me believes we need a newsletter, but,” a small headshake escapes, “I read the shit. Every week. Almost religiously.”

“Just small-town habits, Kid.” My coffee inches back towards my lips. “Anything worth noting?”

“Wendy Jo – Lulu’s mom who owns the local diner – ”

“The pie lady,” Rabbit eagerly states, proving she really is setting down some sort of roots.

“Exactly right.” Pride appears in her expression pushing him to continue. “She made sure to have them mention that you should be tipping your waitresses extra well given how scared they are to come to work after that news about the one being found mutilated on the side of the highway with a patch of skin missing from her ass.”

The change in Bunny’s breathing is subtle.

But there.

“And the other email?” I quickly ask, hoping to change topics to prevent our woman from further internal spiraling.

Particularly right after proclaiming she could call this place home.

“Bunny’s car parts are officially in.” He attempts to meet her distracted gaze once more. “Still can’t pick ‘em up ‘til Friday though. Shops too booked.” When she still can’t seem to make eye contact, he angles his face awkwardly to force it. “That okay, baby?”

It’s impossible to ignore the tears in the corner of her eyes that are trying to break past the edges.

No, this waiting to see what’s gonna happen next shit is not okay.

This being hunted by her sonofabitch psycho ex shit is not okay.

And most importantly, having to fear that the piece we’ve been missing all our lives is going to flee just as unannounced as she came is abso-fucking-lutely not okay.

Chapter 18


Public sex has never been my thing before.

But I think it is now.

Bunny arches her back on another heavy moan, wet pussy incessantly clamping around my cock, “OhmygodKid…”

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