Page 97 of Hunted

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It’s really not the fucking time to make light of what’s going on.

Doesn’t mean she won’t try.

And it doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy it when she does.

That’s one of those things I lov –


Not saying that shit.

“I’m not cranky!” Kipp yells a second time.

“You sound cranky,” she continues to chide as I cross over to rest my ass against the counter beside him.

“I’m not fucking cranky!” He barks even louder, this time creeping just an inch closer in her direction. “I’m fucking pissed!”

“Pretty sure the bass boost your usin’ is givin’ that shit away, Kid,” I lightheartedly point out and fold my arms across my chest.

“Here I am thinking my Ferrari is getting waxed and detailed and her goddamn oil changed only to find out that someone was trying to Ferris Bueller it instead!”

Bunny’s head tilts to one side in bewilderment. “You’ve seen Ferris Bueller’s Day Off?”

“That’s what you took away from the comparison?” I thoughtlessly poke.

“Of course I’ve seen it. Nolan has the hots for Mathew Broderick.”

Her eyebrow doesn’t hesitate to quirk in question.

“No.” I clear my throat to emphasize my refusal to change subjects. “We ain’t about to unpack that shit right now.”

Rabbit can’t help herself from goading, “Sounds like we should.”

“Sounds like your ass will do fucking anything to deflect from discussing the topic at hand furthermore fucking proving why Nolan removing the doors from every room of the apartment was so fucking necessary!”

Took less time than I thought it would.

Even the closets are on display.

Pantry too.

“Why the fuck did you try to leave, Bunny?!”

“You know why I tried to leave, Kipp!”

“No, I don’t.” The Kid slowly and deliberately shakes his head in disagreement. “Especially not after you saw what the fuck I’m capable of.”

“I don’t want you to be capable of that!”

“I was capable of that long before you came into the fucking picture! There are only so many fuckin’ dents a person can take before they’re jus’ gettin’ their shit wrecked!”

His cold-blooded response sends an unexpected chill down my spine.

“You do what you have to do to protect yourself and the people you love.” Kipp’s jaw momentarily hardens. Ticks. “End of race.”

Bunny guiltily glances away.

To be fair…had he not put Big K in the ground when he did…I would’ve.
