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Elisa had opted for a digital test.

And right there in the window was the word we’d all suspected, but wanted confirmed.


“Well, that is probably the best wedding gift you could give to Aurelio,” Adrian said, all watery-eyed as she wrapped an arm around me. “Judah is going to be a great big brother.”

Now that Judah had been around other children all the time, thanks mostly to the extended Grassi family, he’d been asking why he didn’t have any siblings, since everyone else had several children.

He was over three now.

It was a good time to have a baby.

But I’ll admit that having morning sickness during my honeymoon didn’t exactly sound like a good time.

“Yeah,” I agreed, sucking in a deep breath, and staring at myself in the mirror.

“You’re happy, right?” Sofia asked.

“Completely,” I agreed. “Though I’m a little upset that I might not be able to keep all the food down tonight,” I admitted.

“Small price to pay,” Adrian said, hugging me long and hard.

Adrian was another thing I was thankful to Aurelio for.

After losing my own mom, I worried that I would never again know a motherly figure, that my son would never know a grandmotherly figure.

All those worries evaporated as soon as I got to know the matriarch of Aurelio’s family, though. She was everything you imagined when you thought of the perfect mother-in-law and grandmother.

She was an amazing cook. She adored kids, and was always more than happy to take the kids to give their parents a break. She never butted her nose in your business, but she was happy to give advice if you asked for it. She didn’t judge if the house was messy or you were giving the kids junk food. And while she adored her sons, she didn’t have that creepy bond with them where she believed that no woman could be as worthy of her sons’ love as she was.

And while it did break my heart at times that my own mother would never get to meet Judah, or any other children I had, it warmed my heart to know that my children would have such an amazing grandma to grow up with.

“Okay. We have to pull this together,” Sofia said, clapping her hands. “Elisa, you’re on makeup. I’ll do the hair. Mom, her dress looks like it could use a bit of a steam. Let’s get you married, lady,” she said.

The next half an hour was a complete blur of my hair being pulled this way and that, and my face being fussed over as Adrian kept offering me sips of water or ice chips. Little by little, it did ease the nausea.

The photographer showed up, and I got to take some pictures in the room before it was time to head downstairs and marry the man I’d been in love with practically since I’d laid eyes on him.

I stood off in the wings, watching the flower girls twirl down the aisle in their little white dresses, tossing pink and red rose petals to the delight of everyone gathered.

“Okay, buddy, your turn,” I said to Judah, who looked adorable, but somewhat uncomfortable, in his little suit with his white pillow.

He was all smiles as he did a little shimmy all the way down the aisle to stand next to the groomsmen, tossing his pillow up and down.

Thank God that Lucky had snatched the ring away from him as soon as he made it there.

I was walking myself down the aisle.

But, it seemed, as I pressed my bouquet to my belly, it seemed I wasn’t actually alone as I heard the Bridal March start, and I moved into the center of the aisle.

My gaze slid to Aurelio, finding him beaming at me.

I knew down to my bones that I wanted to spend forever with him.

I wanted to make babies and raise wonderful human beings with him.

I wanted to sit in our rocking chairs on the back porch watching our grand babies play.
