Page 21 of Daddy's Direction

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"Yes, I know that, but…how?"

I shook my head. "Nope, not playing that game."

"What game?"

To her credit, she did look honestly baffled. It was possible she didn't realize what she was doing, even if it was the oldest trick in the book.

"Weighing the punishment against the crime to see if you want to test, or if it's worth it to break the rules. You forget I've been doing this a long time. I know every trick in the book."

"Oh." She colored and looked down. That was exactly what she had been doing. "I'm sorry. I just like to know things."

"I understand, but you don't get to know this. Be good and follow your rules or there will be unknown consequences. Understand?

"Yes, Daddy."

"Good girl. I think that's everything for now. I ordered you some takeout and it will be delivered soon."

"Just me? You don't want to eat dinner?"

"I would, normally, but it's Friday night and we usually meet up at the club to discuss business over dinner and drinks before it really gets hopping. So I have to go. I'll take a rain check, though, and I'll talk to you tonight, and see you Sunday."

Her brows furrowed. "Do you still want me to text you tonight if you're gonna be at the club? Won't you be busy?"

"I might be, but not so busy that I can't pause for a few minutes and make you a priority. 9 pm." I nodded and stood to leave, walking toward the door. My hand was on the knob when Jasmine jumped up.

"Wait!" she cried, rushing across the room.

"What's up?"

"I just… Thank you for…everything." She leaned up on her tippy toes and brushed her lips across my cheek.

My heart fluttered and my body heated up, and I had to remind myself it was just a thank you kiss.

"No problem. Any time," I stuttered. "Well, bye. Have a good night. Be a good girl!" And before either of us could say another word, I left, closing the door behind me.

Chapter Five


Friday night and all day Saturday I did everything perfectly, but when I woke up Sunday morning, with only two hours of work left to do, five hours until Bain arrived, and eight till Gia dropped off the kids, I wanted to do everything but work.

I spent a leisurely morning sipping coffee and watching a show, ordered in an early lunch since I hadn't eaten breakfast, painted my nails, and spent an obnoxiously long time curling my hair, something I never got to do.

At exactly noon, I got a case of guilt-gut and turned on the computer, checking my email for new assignments.

By the time I got an assignment, got set up and got started, it was 12:22 and suddenly my relaxing morning didn't seem like such a good idea.


As I walked up the steps to Jasmine's house, my heart pounded with excitement. I was happy to have an excuse to visit her, even if she had been boringly angelic. I should be happy that each time I checked in she reported no broken rules, and I was, but I was also a little disappointed. I'd been looking forward to an old-fashioned correction session and putting her in her place, but mostly I just wanted the intimacy that a discipline session would bring, and I didn’t want to have to think too hard about what that meant or why that was

Regardless of her lack of naughtiness, we had things to talk about and rules to add. I knocked on the door three times, and when she pulled it open, her features were marred with sheepish guilt, and I knew something had happened between last night and now.

"Can I come in?"

She stepped aside to let me pass by her, and I swept inside, quickly doing a tour of the house to see if I could spot undone chores or something else that would explain her guilt.

The house looked exactly as it had when I left on Friday, not a dish out of place or an unmade bed. The only difference was her laptop sitting closed on the dining table, but since she didn't have a home office, that made sense. Frowning, I walked toward her, standing close enough to touch without actually doing so.
