Page 39 of Daddy's Direction

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Of course he did. Of course he had to be so freaking perfect that it would make moving on without him after the three months was over even harder. Of course, of course, of course. And if I acted anything but gracious, well, I’d sound like a big ungrateful jerk. “You didn’t have to do that, but thank you. I guess I can just head to bed, then.” I yawned and glanced toward the door, hoping he’d take the hint. He wasn’t usually this obtuse.

“I’m sure you’ll sleep well tonight,” Bain said with a twinkle in his eyes, still holding tight to my hand. “Especially after we talk.”

“T-talk?” Talking was the last thing I wanted to do.

“I’d really like to know what happened last week at the club, and why you’ve been avoiding me ever since, but I’m willing to be patient and wait that conversation out a bit longer. However, we do need to chat about the rule you broke today.”

I was pretty sure I’d broken several. However, I had a pretty good idea of which one he was referring to. My stomach flipped. “I’m sorry. I just…panicked. On days like today, following some of those rules is virtually impossible. And panic-quitting is my go-to, I guess.”

“Instead of just asking for help?”

I shrugged. “I didn’t think you’d want to. And asking for help isn’t my go-to move.” I realized how stupid it sounded, and suddenly I craved the very thing I’d been trying so hard to avoid. Bain’s correction. Meeting his eyes, I gulped. “Am I in trouble, Daddy?” As soon as I asked the question, I remembered my kids, asleep in their rooms. “I don’t…I can’t…the kids…”

Bain nodded. "There are many things I can use that are very quiet. But if it's a limit for you while the kids are in the house, I won’t push it. Is it a limit?”

Flushing, I considered. My kids were pretty good sleepers. I hadn’t stopped my life during naps or after their bedtime, being afraid to make noise, like some parents I knew, and as a result, I could pretty much knock down walls and they’d sleep through it. If Bain thought we could be quiet about it…

“It’s not a limit.”

He stood up and headed toward the window, pointing at the tilt wand that opened and closed the slats. “These little things are so handy and they pack a punch, which is perfect for a short, virtually silent correction.” He unhooked the rod and swished it in the air. “I’d like you to check on the children and then go to your room and get ready for bed. You have ten minutes. When I come in, I want you bent over your bed with your ass bared, waiting for me. If you’re not in position, I will add a swat for each minute you make me wait.” He pushed a couple of buttons on his watch. “Your time starts now.”

I sat staring at him open-mouthed.

“Time is ticking.” He held his watch up.

“I…ughh…” Simultaneously pleased and nervous, I ran from the room. Checking on the kids, I threw my hair up into a messy bun and jumped into the shower. I’d be damned if I was letting him add extra to whatever torture he had planned.


As the time ticked by on my watch, I did extra clean up, taking out the garbage and putting away the dry dishes. My heart was racing for reasons I couldn't explain. Correcting a naughty girl was nothing new or difficult to me, but this one felt important, especially with the way Jasmine had been keeping me at arm’s length since our last encounter at the club. I’d taken Nyla’s advice and was giving her time and space, but Jasmine needed help, and I wanted to give it to her, whether she wanted me to or not. I was hoping that by the end of our session, I’d be able to convince her to accept the help offered to her, a move that would also, incidentally, allow me more time with her.

The timer on my watch chimed just as I put the last fork away, and I closed the drawer with a smile. Time to see to my girl. Grabbing the rod off the counter, I held it over my shoulder as I made my way down the hall to her room. Taking liberties, I peeked into the kids’ rooms as I passed just to make sure they were asleep, and pulled their doors shut. That was not an issue I wanted to have to deal with.

When I opened the door to Jasmine’s room, the most beautiful sight was laid out before me. I could stare at her ass poised and ready for me in that position all day and never tire of it.

“Good girl,” I praised as I shut the door, and flipped the lock for an extra layer of safety. “Now, can you tell me why you are laying over the side of your bed with your naughty bottom begging to be marked?”

This was one of my favorite parts of our arrangement, though Jasmine sometimes had a difficult time forcing herself to submit. Watching her argue with her own inner voice was a treat. Unfortunately, this time I couldn’t see her face, but the way she shifted in place was enough to know the war was indeed raging.

“I got overwhelmed and tried to quit,” she mumbled. Twisting her head to look at me, she scowled. “I should be allowed to quit, you know. It’s in the contract.”

“Ah, you actually read it. Good girl. You are allowed to quit. But you have to do it correctly. You need to call the office and formally quit the arrangement. There’s paperwork. Getting overwhelmed and panic texting me to quit just because following your rules is proving difficult is what's not allowed. You’re a smart woman, Jasmine. Do you understand the difference?”

“Yes, Daddy.” Her voice had changed from its original spark of defiance into one of repentant compliance.

“Good girl. Now ask Daddy nicely to correct your behavior.”

She pressed her face into the mattress and let out a muffled scream. Thankfully, she couldn’t see me smiling or she might have really lost it.

“Please punish me so I’ll remember not to knee-jerk quit every time I’m overwhelmed, Daddy.” She spoke through clenched teeth.

“You don’t really sound like you mean that, but that’s okay. The blind rod will help you see the error of your ways.”

I rubbed it up and down her backside from the middle of her ass all the way down to the backs of her knees, then back up again. I wouldn’t strike her that low, but my movement showed her exactly how vulnerable she was in the moment, and she shuddered. Goosebumps raised on her skin, and I could see the telltale signs of arousal glistening on her pouty lower lips.

I pulled the rod away from her skin and waited a beat before I let it fly. I didn’t flick it too hard because I wanted her to realize just how much this was going to hurt, and I didn’t want her to scream and wake up the kids. She threw her head back and hissed before pushing her face back into the bed and letting out a low groan. I did it with the same intensity three more times in succession before giving her another chance to respond. She kicked her toes on the ground but managed to make sure any noise she made was muffled.

“Good girl. I’m going to give you six more, but they’re going to be harder. Make sure you control yourself.”
