Page 14 of Dark Wings

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I couldn’t simply go back there. Not if I wanted to keep my head and neck attached to my shoulders.

I had a lot to do first.

“Right,” I lied. “Can you help me?”

Hazel looked at Sean. Something passed between them, a nonverbal communication and understanding, and they both nodded at the same time.

“It’s a difficult spell, but I can try,” Hazel said. I let out a long, relieved breath. She glanced at Khalisa. “Can we use the basement?”

“Of course, child.” She walked past a curtain of beads over a doorway and led us to the back room, where I had worked on the inventory.

One of the doors to the side opened to narrow stairs leading down. Khalisa turned on the lights and was the first down. We followed her into the basement: a large open area, with lots of stuff along the walls—old books and furniture, folded boxes, boxes full of what looked like clothes, and more.

Khalisa went to a broken desk in the corner, opened the drawer, and grabbed black chalk. She handed it to Hazel.

“Thank you,” Hazel said.

She knelt on the floor and drew a large, black witch circle. It had three interconnected rings, and several runes and symbols between the rings. Lastly, she drew a large five-pointed star that reached the outer ring, and Khalisa placed lit black candles where the star and the circle converged.

She handed a small pouch to Hazel, and she spread a silvery powder around the circle.

Meanwhile, I had to refrain from pacing or biting my nails.

This was a lot of preparation to summon a damn demon.

Hazel turned to me. “Now, the last part.” She gestured for my hand. I laid my hand on top of hers. “I need a few drops of your blood.” She produced a small dagger out of nowhere. “May I?”

I nodded.

She pricked my finger with the blade’s tip. I clenched my jaw, waiting for the pain, but it was fast and faint. She turned my hand down and let the drops fall in the circle.

“Say his name,” she told me.

“Leviathan,” I said, firm. Strong.

Then, Hazel closed her eyes, lifted her arms in front of her, and chanted in Latin.

A sudden rush of air whipped around us and the candles flickered. The silvery powder on the floor glittered, and the black circle lines shone dark.

The wind blew stronger and Hazel’s voice grew louder.

“He’s fighting me,” she said through gritted teeth.

Sean put a hand on her shoulder. “Borrow my energy.”

“No.” She shrugged him away. “I need hers.” She closed her hand around my wrist and squeezed hard.

I opened my mouth to tell her she just needed to ask, but her grip tightened more and I felt it, my energy transferring from me to her and into the circle.

The wind whipped around us, almost toppling us over.

Thunder echoed through the ceiling and I looked up, eyes wide.

“It’s her power,” Sean told me.

The flash of lightning cut across the air above our heads and then a dozen bolts struck the circle, shaking the floor. Dark smoke rose from the ground, covering most of the circle and the basement.

With a deep gasp, Hazel let go of my wrist and fell to her knees.
