Page 67 of Dark Wings

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I tried to keep my mind clear as I ate, lest my thoughts spoil the food, but once I was done, I couldn’t help it anymore. I needed to figure out what to do now.

I would go back to Levi, ask Lacey to join us, and break the bond. Of course, he wouldn’t protest. In fact, he would be glad since he then could get rid of me. We would perform the ritual, I would ask him to drop me off at the nearest train or bus station, and then both of us would go on our merry ways.

And somewhere in there, I would free the angel he had captured.


Then why did I feel such a deep hole inside my chest?

I stood, ready to go back, when the hair on my arms stood on end. I turned and found the source: a group of supernaturals on the other side of the park, looking for something.

Or someone.

Shit, they had found me. The angels had probably announced my last-known location, and supernaturals in all directions had been looking for me.

I lowered my head and hurried to the car.

I heard a chilling howl from behind me, then some growls and grumbles.

A force slammed into my side and pushed me against a thick tree, shadows forming around me. A hand closed over my mouth, while a powerful body pressed against mine, keeping me in place.

I stared at Levi’s face, so damn close, his intent blue eyes locked on mine.

“Stay still,” he whispered against my ear. “They smelled you but didn’t see you.” He lowered his hand from my mouth and shifted his murderous gaze to the supernaturals as they came this way. “My shadows will confuse them.”

I remained still, my mind and body divided between the panic of being found and having to fight again, and the warmth of Levi’s figure against mine. The way his heavy breathing moved his chest and it touched mine. How his thick leg was wedged between my thighs, keeping me in place. His strong neck so close to my nose and his delicious musk scent fogging my mind.

This wasn’t right. He was a demon, an evil one. I had to keep reminding myself of that.

The incredible night we shared, how hot he was, had nothing to do with this. I couldn’t let it get into my head, in my body, in my veins.

Levi adjusted himself, pressing more of his body against mine, his breathing heavy against my ear, his lips touching my jaw.

“Those feelings aren’t appropriate for this moment, sweetheart,” he whispered, his voice husky.

By the light.

“She isn’t here,” a voice said and I froze.

Levi lifted his head and then I could see. About seven supernaturals walking a few feet from us, looking all around, and yet, they couldn’t see us.

“Her scent was stronger here a few minutes ago,” one of them said.

“It was, but she’s gone,” another one said.

“Let’s spread out,” a third one suggested. “She can’t be far.”

They walked away. One of them stopped right beside the car, which was enveloped in shadows too, but he couldn’t see it. Levi and I remained still and hidden, while the supernaturals fanned out and disappeared.

Finally, the shadows disappeared and Levi stepped away from me. He rubbed his chest. “Do you have any idea of the pain you caused me, sweetheart?”

I had, and it had been on purpose. Seriously, I wasn’t in the mood to talk to him. All I wanted was to get to the car, drive somewhere safe, perform the ritual, and break the bond before other demons came after me to claim their prize.

A lightbulb went off in my head and I stared at Levi, my eyes wide. “I know how to get Duncan to invite us to his house.”


Levi crossed his arms and stared at me. “And how is that?”
