Page 68 of Dark Wings

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“Offer myself.”

He blinked, as if he hadn’t heard me right. Then his eyes darkened. “You’re insane.”

“Why? Doesn’t he collect rare items? What’s rarer than a powerless angel who’s being hunted by the entire world? He's probably heard about me too; he knows I’m valuable. He’d probably love to lock me away in his art gallery.” Or wherever it was he displayed his collection.

“Sweetheart, do you really think he’ll do that and buy himself a fight against the angels?”

Shit, I hadn’t thought about that. “Perhaps not, but if he’s a real collector, he would love to take a look at me, even if for only a minute. That would be enough to grant us entry into his house.”

I had gone nuts. Here I was, coming up with a plan to continue working with Levi, when a minute ago, I was willing to break the bond and let him go.

But I needed him. If this worked, then I could definitely break the bond after. He would be free of me; I would be free of him … no harm, no foul.

“I hear you, sweetheart, and I agree it isn’t a bad plan, but …” He glanced around. “Can we talk about this somewhere else? We shouldn’t be out in the open like this.”

At least he was right about that.

We walked to the car, he hopped behind the wheel, I took the passenger seat, and then we were on the road again.

“Where are we going?” I asked, as the scenery changed and we merged onto the interstate.

“There are demons everywhere around here. We need to keep moving.”

It made sense, of course. And the fact that he was going northwest, toward San Francisco, told me he was considering my proposition.

Then I remembered. “What about the angel? We didn’t go back for him.”

“He’s not our concern anymore.”

“What do you mean?” I gasped. “Did you kill him?”

Levi’s jaw popped, his eyes narrowed on the road. “He’s gone.”

By the light, Levi had killed the angel.

I couldn’t believe it. I wanted to punch him, to strangle him, but I restrained myself. I pushed down on my anger and resentment for now. If my plan succeeded, I would soon be free of him, and nobody else would have to get hurt.

I sank into my seat, fighting tears, and ended up falling asleep. I woke up almost one hour later when we passed a drive-thru and got ourselves dinner. We found a motel off the road that had a main building with several single rooms and cabins around a stone path just behind it.

Levi got us the key for one of the cabins. It was quite charming with a gas fireplace and rustic decorations, though it wasn’t much better than the single rooms, since it had just one bed.

Levi saw me staring at the bed. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’ll take the couch.”

My cheeks heated up and I was sure he felt whatever I was feeling—even I couldn’t place it. My feelings for him were so messed up. We had started with me hating his guts, then he grew on me, we had shared one amazing night of hot sex, and now he was back to being evil and me to despising him.

And yet … No. I shook my head and forced myself to forget everything else. Right now, Levi was a temporary business partner. That was all. No feelings or past involved.

“Can we talk about my plan now?” I asked as we unwrapped our burgers.

“I would rather eat without losing my temper, sweetheart.”

I frowned. So, he wasn’t considering it? Or that was him acknowledging that this was a sensitive topic, and he would really listen to me later.

So, we ate in tense silence. It was awkward and I wanted to say something to break this tension, but why? Didn’t I just tell myself that Levi was my business associate, nothing else. I didn’t need to fraternize with him. All I needed was for him to agree to my plan.

If it all worked out, I could have my wings tomorrow night. Just the thought made me feel lighter. With a new bounce to my step, I took a quick shower, changed into black leggings and my sleep shirt—I wouldn’t be pantless again near him—and sat down on the bed.

I watched as Levi paced in front of the fireplace.
