Page 23 of Lord of Retribution

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“It’s time to stop feeling sorry for yourself,” I told him.

“That’s not even fair, especially coming from a man who refuses to date then is suddenly getting married. Seriously. And I do have my eye on a sexy woman.”

“As long as she can tolerate your surly ass.”

“Fuck you,” he barked seconds before Liam and his entourage entered the bar area. The men trailing behind him included his son, Ronin, a bruiser if I ever saw one. The man was taller and bigger than I was and that was saying something.

I eased off the chair, shifting to my full height, studying the four men as they approached. While I’d brought six with me, only Kane would sit at the table, the others remaining in various parts of the bar, two still located outside.

Liam had a smug look on his face, only smiling when he was a couple of feet away. I already didn’t like him, partially because I had a feeling that he believed the fact he was meeting with the Capo and Consigliere of the organization meant that our regime was weak. I hoped he wouldn’t need to be taught a lesson. While I enjoyed my shared of partaking in aspects of violence, I was getting too old to play games.

He stood in front of me, giving me a hard look while I remained unblinking. When he extended his hand first, it was a bow of honor to the fact we were doing this on my turf. There were unwritten rules in every syndicate, the Irish staunch followers of those aspects of respect. That was one thing they had going for them.

I accepted, the handshake firm on both our parts.

“It’s a pleasure meeting you, Daniel. I’ve certainly heard quite a bit about your organization,” Liam stated. The translation meant he likely had a limited alliance with one of my family’s other enemies in hopes of learning all our weaknesses. Other than Constantine’s wife and child, perhaps the fact my sister was engaged in the business when allowing females any control was usually frowned upon was also something our enemies planned on using. If that was the case, Liam would learn quickly how capable the women within the Thorn family were and had been since the beginning of time.

“I’m afraid I know very little about your organization, Liam.” It was a purposeful slight and he knew it. “Please sit,” I offered, also acknowledging his son, who would eventually take over for his father.

Both men did, and only then did Kane ease onto the chair seconds before me.

I sat down, motioning for the bartender. Only after orders were placed did I start the meeting. “Gentlemen, I won’t take much of your time. I’m certain you’re as busy as I am.”

Liam nodded, Ronin already scanning the interior of the bar as if looking to see how many soldiers I might have lying in wait. One of the keys in determining whether or not an enemy could be trusted was how they reacted when they didn’t believe the other party had anyone watching their backs.

That would only occur after the meeting when we walked outside. It was all preplanned, this meeting more like an opening act, a wait until the real fun might begin. I studied Ronin briefly, the ugly scars running down one side of his neck a reminder of how brutal our world could be. Not that I had any sympathy for anyone. That wasn’t my style.

“I do appreciate that. I have a poker game to get to,” Liam stated.

“Then I’ll get right to the reason for having this meeting. It’s my understanding that you have every intention of creating new business in Missouri. Is the information that I received correct?”

He glanced at the scotch he’d ordered, swirling the amber liquid in his glass before answering. “Yes. You are correct. I visited here last year and found the area spectacular, ripe for business.”

“And what might those businesses be?” I asked casually, sitting back in the chair comfortably.

“You appear to be a smart boy. I’m certain the reason your brother sent you here was nothing more than to taunt me into reacting to some ridiculous threat regarding opening up a few casinos in the area.”

Now he chose to take a sip of his beverage. While my natural tendency would be to shove the glass into his face, breaking his nose, I made the choice to keep my cool for the time being. “And I’m certain you understand that I’m here to remind you to tread carefully with your intentions. We don’t want a war but we’re happy to engage in one if necessary. You can understand that, I’m sure.”

I wasn’t here to make friends. I couldn’t care less about protocol at this point. The best thing that could come out of this meeting would be that Liam had a better understanding of our tactics and what we expected.

The worst thing was bloodshed, which would be fine also.

I’d heard the man had a hot temper, easily flying off the handle when he didn’t get his way. When that didn’t happen, I shifted further on the edge.

“Understandable, Daniel. You can certainly assure your brother, the Don of your… empire that I can just as easily be persuaded to find another location to concentrate my resources on one condition.”

I also wasn’t here to make a single deal. Being members of the Brotherhood was as far as we were willing to go. However, his impetuous behavior had me curious. “And what’s that?”

“That an arrangement be made with Ronin and your beautiful sister Danika.”

Ronin took the opportunity to grin, which made him look like a baboon and infuriated me. The request was the only reason Liam had accepted a meeting in the first place. I took my time in answering, taking several slow and easy sips of my drink. My sister meant the world to me. No fucker was going to touch her. I’d become the monster I’d been before if necessary.

When I finally placed the glass down, I allowed my gaze to follow it, only lifting my eyes to his after swirling the glass back and forth on the wooden table. I didn’t bother shifting in my seat even though the tension had increased tenfold.

“I’ll make this very easy on you, Liam. My sister isn’t for sale under any circumstances to anyone.”

“But my son isn’t just anyone. He’s Irish royalty.”
