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As he studied me from the shadows of his room, now our room, his eyes burned hot as volcanic ash. Even the way a growl worked up from the depth of his throat was scintillating, so much so I couldn’t seem to stop quivering from being in his presence. There was no denying how aroused I was, my nipples hard pebbles pressing against the luxurious dress I’d changed into at the reception. The deep throb between my legs was more intense than before, the fragrance of my desire unmistakable.

Daniel had succeeded in making me feel like a queen, attentive and romantic, while remaining predatory while watching over his newly found possession. Maybe I should feel flattered that his eyes had never left me, peeling away layers of not only clothing but my inhibitions as well, yet I remained starkly annoyed with the entire situation.

“Claiming you for the first time will be a sweet reward for the long, sanctimonious day,” he said in a deep, rich voice that reminded me of the darkest chocolate, every syllable a whisper of pure indulgence.

Suddenly, my mouth was parched, my stomach in knots. I’d never felt so awkward in front of a man. While the reception had been incredible, every aspect exactly what I would have dreamt of, I’d remained uneasy the entire time. The whirlwind romance was the perfect novel, the bad alpha man capturing the damsel, requiring her to belong to him.

A laugh threatened to bubble in my throat, my nerves so taut I was terrified I wouldn’t be able to get through the night. I watched as he yanked off his jacket, the dark linen perfectly outlining his muscular physique. After tossing it onto a chair and ripping off his bow tie, he returned his full and very heated gaze toward me. There was something so erotic about the way he unfastened the diamond and black onyx cufflinks, placing them carefully into a small wooden box on his dresser.

I’d done everything in my life to push men aside, to squelch the burning need that all women had. There’d been no time for frivolous trysts or playing games. There was no purpose to engaging in small talk or going on numerous first dates because the difficulties of my life prevented me from doing so.

He turned fully toward me, taking a few steps closer as he unbuttoned his crisp white shirt halfway down and for some crazy reason, I was wondering how much his weekly dry-cleaning bill was. That’s how nervous I was, how much the powerful man affected me.

As he drew near, his nostrils flared, the deep rumble in his throat increasing. He was a wild animal on the hunt and I’d already been ensnared. After rolling his sleeves over his elbows, he closed the distance, wrapping his hand around the back of my neck and pulling me toward him. I was forced to plant my palms on his chest to keep some sense of personal distance.

He cocked his head, the look of lust increasing. “You will not fight me, my sweet flower. I’m now your husband.”


The word held so many connotations including ownership.

The feel of his hand, the possessive nature of his actions as if he was collaring me should drive my irritation to another level, one I loathed. But it felt almost comforting, as if he was presenting me with an exquisite diamond necklace. Oh, wait. That had already been done on our first meeting. The man had believed he could buy me with jewels. What was next?

His hold remained firm as he lowered his head, allowing his heated breath to cascade across my face and neck. The tingling sensations only increased, the rapid pulse in my neck matching the thudding heartbeat that kept me lightheaded. Suddenly, his lips were dangerously close, the scent of his exotic and woodsy aftershave as intoxicating as the many glasses of champagne I’d consumed. Even the expensive libation hadn’t dulled my senses or my nerves.

I had no idea what he was waiting for but when he finally crushed his lips over mine, I was thrown into a dizzying moment of pleasure. A moan erupted from my mouth, which he captured, the strangled sound in protest yet I wrapped my fingers around his shirt, rising onto my tiptoes. The way my body was betraying me brought another mixture of excitement and shame, the dichotomy keeping me on edge.

Daniel brushed his thumb back and forth across my cheek, the romantic action adding to the electric vibrations that had occurred the first time we’d met. And while I wanted to continue keeping my distance, refusing to fall prey to his toxic lure, the kiss was far too amazing. I couldn’t stop tingling, goosebumps popping along every inch of skin.

My pussy throbbed more than before as he thrust his tongue inside, sweeping it back and forth. Every inch of my body was aching, my desire becoming overwhelming. I craved the man taking exactly what he wanted. The kiss reeked of passion, his commanding ways a perfect aphrodisiac.

When he pulled away, he laughed softly. The sound was almost evil, the man planning on what he would do next. He dragged his tongue from one side of my jaw to the other before biting down on my lower lip.

I shuddered audibly, my body swaying. He backed me toward the side of the bed.

“I could kiss you for hours, my lovely wife, and perhaps I will. All over.” He gently eased me to a sitting position, once again brushing his hand down the side of my face. He was at least ten years older, the tiny lines near his luminous eyes adding character. I felt so young, so vulnerable even though I’d lived two lives in the last few years. At least that’s what it felt like.

“Get away from me,” I dared to say.

“You know that’s not going to happen.”

“I hate you.”

“Good. You know what they say about how hot sex can be between two people who can’t stand each other.” He was having so much fun with this, acting as if everything I was saying was all about fun and games.

When a single whimper escaped my mouth, he chuckled darkly, shaking his head as if curious as to why I was playing at being innocent. I was known to be worldly, a party girl who’d used her family’s wealth and influence to jet all over Italy and beyond, indulging in whatever fantasy and gorgeous men I hungered for.

Yet I wasn’t that girl. My experience with men was limited, the two times I’d bothered not something I wanted to remember.

As he dropped to his knees, I leaned back, still trying to keep some sense of private space. He took his time removed one of my heels then the other, rolling his callused hand from one foot to the inside of my leg. I’d believed he would be a man who’d never done a hard day’s work in his life, and finding out that he not only owned but worked on his ranch was one pleasant surprise. Now the roughness of his touch proved to be a powerful enticement.

Yet as he pushed my dress up to the tops of my thighs, I fought to keep my legs closed.

“Tsk. Tsk. Do not try and keep my pussy away from me, Maria. Every inch of you now belongs to me.”

His pussy.

As if nothing about my person or my life belonged to me any longer.
