Page 53 of Lord of Retribution

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“How is it feeling?” he asked, as if he really cared.


“Good. Then I think it’s time we get started. Don’t you?”

Was that a serious question? Was the man out of his mind?

I shifted and wiggled as he rounded the bed, finally removing his belt ever so slowly. The last jerk freeing it brought an unstoppable moan from my lips. No. No. I just wanted him to get this over with.

He brushed his fingers down my back once again, tapping both sides of my bottom. “I do hope we won’t need to do this every day, but if that’s what becomes necessary, then I’m happy to keep you in line, providing what you need.”

He really believed that women should be spanked on a regular basis? I was sicker than before. The second he brought the belt down across both ass cheeks, I clenched my bottom with enough force that I couldn’t hold back a yelp. Not from the brutal crack itself but from the fact the tingling sensations had bolted to full blown pain, my mind a blur as the anguish started throbbing.

“Oh. My. God. Take it out.”

“That’s not going to happen until we’re finished, Maria. But I have a feeling you won’t attempt to escape again. Will you?”

Fuck, no. Oh, hell, no. Tears formed in my eyes as he brought the belt down four times. I wiggled and twisted, doing everything I could not to clench my muscles but every action I made seemed completely out of my control.

“You’re doing very well.” The savage whooshing sound the strap made as he brought it through the air was almost as disgusting as what he was making me endure.

I couldn’t believe this form of punishment was ever used except maybe inside prisons. I bit back another cry as the spanking continued, beads of perspiration now running down both sides of my face. He added six more strikes and there was no chance I could keep from whimpering like a little girl.

But worse than the anguish or the level of humiliation he was putting me through was the fact I was wet, so much so I could feel my juice both trickling from the deepest part of my pussy and sticking to my thighs. It was crazy. I shifted back and forth and he took a moment to allow me to calm down even as a single sob erupted from my throat.

“Breathe for me, Maria. You’re doing so well. I’m so proud of you.”

Proud? He was fucking proud of me?

Why did that also make me tingle all over? Nothing was making any sense to me. Not one thing. Not the fact my mind was thinking about seeing his naked body or that my mouth was watering to have him thrust his cock with enough force his cockhead was driven into the back of my throat. Not the need to have his hot breath tingling every inch of my skin or to spend a full thirty minutes kissing his lush lips.

And I didn’t mind the pain as much as I thought I would. There was some kind of powerful hold he had over me, the dominating man capable of making me feel like a pool of liquid. I continued to writhe and hump the pillow and with every strike, every stinging sensation, I was being driven closer to a moment of nirvana.

I couldn’t stop my pussy muscles from clenching and releasing and suddenly out of the blue, a climax rushed into me. It was so powerful that every muscle tensed, my toes curling and the scream I issued was an unmistakable representation of what was happening.

The man was as shocked as I was, using the moment to drive his hand between my legs, swirling the tip of a single finger around my clit. That only made the moment that much more exciting, my mind blown away from the powerful sensations.

“Yes. That’s amazing. You’re so beautiful when you come.” His voice was so husky and deep that I almost didn’t understand what he was saying. He shifted his hand, using his thumb to torment my clit while driving his fingers deep inside, adding another layer of electric vibrations to the incredible moment.

I was sick, fully disgusted with myself but that didn’t stop me from panting and writhing.

Only when I finally started to come down did he remove his hand and I almost cried out from the loss. He resumed the spanking with more gusto, bringing the strap across my bottom several blistering times. The heat blossomed across my entire buttocks, keeping my breathing irregular.

The feeling of being exhilarated yet exhausted was completely strange, the stinging sensations moving to a dull throb. I clamped my hands around the comforter, tugging as if that would do any good.

“We’re almost finished. Four more.”

When he brought the belt down those four times, I bit into the comforter to hold in my scream. He used all the gusto he could to bring the point home that I was to obey him no matter what occurred in my poor excuse for a life.

I wasn’t certain he was finished until he positioned the belt beside my head, allowing me to see the implement of doom. That’s what I was going to call it from now on.

The way he slowly sat down on the edge of the bed was almost nurturing. I half expected him to gather me in his arms, forcing me to sit on his lap. But he simply eased strands of hair from my face, caressing my skin.

“I was worried about you, Maria. I realize we know almost nothing about each other. Likes. Dislikes. We haven’t dated or become friends. We don’t know each other’s values or needs, desires for life and for a relationship. It’s entirely possible we won’t be compatible and you’ll always think of me as a monster. I am a dangerous man with an even more treacherous job, but I’m not the complete beast you think I am. I do care about certain things in my life, although I think up to this point, I’ve taken them for granted. Family. Celebrations. Christmas. Barbeques.”

Why in God’s name was he telling me this? I was very surprised, so much so I placed my head on my folded hands so I could see him better.

“Anyway, I hope that we can learn more about each other to make the situation at least tolerable. I can’t promise you that I’ll do what you need to change your mind about me. What I will promise is that I’ll do everything in my power to keep you protected. You have my word on that. You are my wife, and the sooner you realize that, then the better off we’ll both be. Get some rest.”
