Page 81 of Lord of Retribution

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I was lost in the sweet moment more than I’d been before, his usual hard fucking something I almost missed. I knew his usual rough actions would return, his needs more intense than could be satisfied with the romance we were sharing, and I tried not to take it for granted. Just seeing the joy and desire in his eyes was enough to spin my breath out of control.

This was such a defining moment, a solid shift into being a couple, developing a real relationship that I almost felt guilty. But I reminded myself why I was doing this. Did that make any level of deception right or okay in my book? Well, no, but I also wanted to live.

Somehow, I had no doubt Leonardo would be dispatched to carry out the threat Maria had issued if I so much as made a wrong move or said the incorrect thing. Even as I shifted the ugly thought away, tears formed in my eyes.

Before I realized what was happening, they slipped down both sides of my cheeks, rolling ever so slowly to the bed.

Daniel slowed his actions, lowering his head. When he gathered both beads with his tongue before they had a chance to stain the bedding, I sucked in my breath.

He remained closer, rubbing his fingers across my forehead. “I never want you to cry, la mia bellissima moglie.”

Every word he said, calling me his beautiful wife, was so heartfelt and at that moment I allowed myself to truly become his wife, to hold the vows I’d spoken in fury as ones I’d keep for the rest of my life.

And in those few moments as he eased my arms over my head, clasping our fingers together, plunging deep and hard into me, I knew I wasn’t just falling in love with him. I was already there.

He whispered sweet nothings in Italian, so many words I couldn’t understand, but I could feel the sentiment.

When he issued a single command, I obeyed it without hesitation.

“Come with me, my sweet wife. Come with me.”

There was nothing like the feel of the way his body tensed, his cock throbbing so deeply inside I was certain he’d hit my womb. As he filled me with his seed, I sensed his armor was falling.

That was the moment I was certain I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.

It was also the one when my instinct told me it would never be allowed to happen.

As he’d told me once before, betrayal was punishable by death.



The bright orange sun was already shifting to a downward pattern before we’d left the house. I’d never been the kind of man to enjoy lying in bed with coffee, allowing the comfort of being under the covers lying next to a voluptuous naked woman to entice me enough to shift my patterns.

I was a very early riser, usually four-thirty in the morning, working out for an hour before taking a hot shower. But I was almost always in my office by six or on the road when necessary. Maybe my work ethic had been instilled in me during the story I’d told Maria about the man I’d killed. I couldn’t seem to get it out of my mind.

It was strange that at nearly forty years old, I’d lived longer than a good number of my ancestors who’d worked in the business. It had always seemed that I was living on borrowed time from the moment I’d spilled the first pints of blood. I’d tried not to look back at the incident as anything but what it was, business, but it had been far more personal than that.

Did I feel guilty for taking the Don’s son? Not even a little bit. The fucker had deserved to die for what he’d done to my sister. It was something she’d never talked about, acting as if she was just fine when I’d known the bastard had violated her more than she’d wanted to let on.

Why I was thinking about it now had a simple answer. Because I’d never been so open with anyone else in my life. Not even Constantine or Danika.

Maria. The night before had been incredible, more so than I’d believed a man like me should be allowed. Everything about the way she’d responded to seeing the puppy now named Zorro, a new family member, had been exactly what I’d hoped for. The light in her eyes had squelched anger and darkness from slaughtering every single man inside the apartment building.

While I was well aware the place had already been scrubbed, the men’s bodies taken to several dump sites and new construction, several of their bodies now preserved permanently in concrete, I didn’t feel the usual high. There was no continued rush of adrenaline like when being around Maria.

She wasn’t just the light to my darkness. She’d also managed to calm the demons completely. How had that been possible in such a short period of time? It was her lust for life, her verve and refusal to take any of my crap that kept me excited every day.

I’d also wanted to return home to her. It was crazy, but exactly what Constantine had tried to explain had kept him going after all the years of turmoil within our regime.

Now I stood in the middle of a big box pet store, marveling at the way Maria was keeping careful watch of Zorro inside the shopping basket as she moved from one aisle to the next. I dragged my hand across my stubbled jaw, already considering growing a beard just because she’d mentioned the night before how much she adored the scruff on my face.

I remained amused by watching her, and my reactions as well. The basket was filled with toys and treats, and another bed because the one I’d purchased wasn’t fluffy enough. Now she was making what I hoped would be her final selections since we’d been inside the single store for almost an hour.

Two weeks ago, I might have shot anyone who dared tell me that I’d be wound around a woman’s finger. Now? Well, I certainly seemed to enjoy reminding her that I was the big man in charge. We’d curled up together after I’d been tasked with taking Zorro out for his morning walk, doing nothing but petting him and basking in the warmth of the bed and our heated bodies. After that, I’d fucked her long and hard in the shower, something I had thoroughly enjoyed.

So much so, I’d already considered stealing her away to the store’s bathroom, having my way with her again.
