Page 12 of The Pain We Nurture

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Her lips pursed slightly seeing he held out a black Amex. A no limit black Amex.

Jesus, she rolled her lips together.

Olivia grabbed his card from him, careful not to touch him and rang him up. Sliding his card through the payment system and prompting him to finish, she handed it back to him like it burned her. She smiled politely at him again before turning to take the other customers in line, effectively dismissing him.

Ignoring him blatantly watching her interact with the other customers.

Olivia visibly seethed as he accepted his pie and opened it right at the register, eating it while she rang the other customers up. She resisted rolling her eyes, turning to him again once she had the last customer taken care of.

“Was there anything else you needed, Colin?” she said, her voice dripping with kindness, laced with a touch of sarcasm.

Colin made her wait while he chewed another bite. His eyes downcast to his pie momentarily, as if he was contemplating something important while he took his time chewing. She took the time to observe his attire more. Black belt, expensive silver watch on his wrist, however not a Rolex. Her eyes meandered upwards, seeing soft arm hair peeking out from under his shirt. She was struck with awe once more at how well-maintained his short beard was. He obviously cared about his appearance.

Olivia's mouth went dry, and her stomach fluttered. She twisted her lips in annoyance at the feelings he seemed to be unknowingly inflicting upon her.

She bristled, not enjoying being made to be patient, and not appreciating these new feelings. Colin turned, crossing over the few feet to stand in front of her and present her with another card. This time a business card.

C. McDermont Associates and Tech Holdings, LLC.

“Okaayyy….” Olivia said slowly, placing the business card on the counter in front of her. "I'm not into tech,” she said, sweeping her arm and referencing the diner.

Colin just smiled that devastating smile at her again, tilting his head slightly.

“No, I can see that. I would like to take you to dinner,” he grinned harder, crossing his arms and regarding her closely. His gaze left her eyes to slowly drag down the length of her face, down her neck and then her breasts before flickering back up to her eyes.

Olivia felt her body overheat and then she shuttered herself closed so fast even she could hear the bang of the lock clicking shut.

She all but bared her teeth at him because she knew it wasn’t a smile, and she struggled to get her facial expressions under control.

“No thank you,” she said politely, sliding his card back to him. Colin looked at her hand with the card before flicking his eyes to hers. He grinned once more before pushing himself off the counter without another word and leaving the diner. Dismissive, and without his business card.

She tore it in two and tossed it in the trash.

Olivia ran out of the diner at the end of her shift and raced to the store and then home. She barely had time to put away her meager groceries, more rice and instant noodles. Preparing for her bartending job, she rushed through a warm shower. Hurriedly brushed her teeth and put on a black tank and form-fitting jeans. Riffling through her closet, she decided to top the look off with a long sleeved red and white checkered button-up shirt that hung mid-calf. Fearing being cold, as the weather was turning chilly.

She left the button up open to show the curves of her body and roughly brushed her hair until it was shiny then spritzed it with a spray to keep the volume. She got better tips when her hair was voluptuous.

Olivia again raced to the bar she worked at and pumped out another five-hour shift. Her tips hit perfectly, and the manager of the bar gave her wages under the table. She went home beyond tired, putting the money in the shoebox before warming up the noodles in the microwave. She set her alarm once again as she fell into bed. Exhausted.


The next few weeks passed by in a blur. Olivia beat her clients until her arm felt like it was going to fall off. She hung out with her sister and niece on Sundays, spending three days a week taking Allison to school to help her sister out so she could get to her nursing assistant job on time.

At the end of the month, she again barely had enough money to scrape together to give to her sister, pay her rent, and afford the pain killers that Gypsy could trickle down to her.

Her reality was a distressing one.

Colin came to the diner four times a week, each time leaving his business card with her. Obstinately requesting to take her to dinner. Each time her response was the same, she tore it up and put it in the garbage.

She continued to bury her feelings of attractedness to him.

On the fourth week, she broke when she realized she had to forgo paying her electricity bill and groceries in order to not short Allison’s medical bills. Bills which, for some reason, seemed to be getting more expensive.

She laid her head against the window, sobbing quietly in her car after she got off her shift. She held Colin’s business card in her hand, remembering his black Amex card. Attempting to press the numbers into her phone through blurry vision, she swiped at her cheeks angrily as she typed out a text. She was hungry, irritated, needed food, and to rest her arm.

I give, I’ll go to dinner with you. Since you won’t leave me alone-I’m free tomorrow night. -Olivia

She stared as the three dots showed up on the screen.

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