Page 14 of The Pain We Nurture

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Aren’t you a smart alec. You know what I meant. I’ll be sending you my location tomorrow. You can pick me up at 7p. Apartment 1B. -O

5p, please. -C

7p. I spend Sundays with my niece. There was no question mark after ‘please’. So bossy! -O

I am. Interesting, you don’t look old enough to have a niece. -C

She wrinkled her nose. Was he some kind of pedophile pervert? After her because he thought she looked like a teenager? She didn’t.

I’m 23.-O

Hmmm, I’ll see you tomorrow. I’m really looking forward to it. Do you have a dress to wear, or would you like me to send you one? We’re going to an Italian restaurant. -C

I know I don’t have air in my car, but I have a dress to wear to a restaurant. Not exactly sure what you're thinking, but I don’t live in a diner uniform. -O

I was just making sure you are prepared; I never want to put you in an awkward position. At least, not THAT kind of awkward position. -C

He sent her the demon emoji.

Olivia’s eyebrow raised as she let a little giggle out at his text. The man had nerve. She briefly leaned her hips against the hood of her car, stalling walking inside of her home that wasn’t a home.

Sir. Are you flirting with me? -O

Oh Olivia, the money I’d pay to hear you say ‘sir’ to me in person is absolutely sickening. I’d pay a lot. -C

Her eyes widened and she bit her lip, wondering if he’d be a suitable candidate for Esmerelda’s Ring. Then quickly dismissing the thought, frowning. For some reason, she didn’t like that idea at all. A tiny tinge of jealousy over this man she didn’t even know surged through her and she shook her head.

Girl, get it together, she thought to herself.

She replied to Colin’s text with an angel and demon emoji as a response.

Olivia went in her apartment to see that there was no real food, so she popped a Percocet before getting ready to beat the shit out of her new client. Motivated by hunger she did so well he gave her a two-hundred-dollar bonus, which went straight into her shoe box.


She said yes to dinner. She’s 23 years old. -C. Kent

Hm. You ever date anyone that young before. – J. Dawg

No. And before you ask, no. She doesn’t know I’m a sadist. Nosy as fuck. -C. Kent

Speaking of fuck, when’s the last time you got any? -J.Dawg

John, why? Jesus. I swear you're just as nosy as a girl. You suddenly grow a vagina under your pants or something?-C. Kent

Because you’re about to unleash all your sadistic shit onto a 23 yr old. Maybe you should go fuck a few women first, get it out of your system before you do something to scare the poor girl. And if I DID have a vagina, it'd take a better pounding than you could. -J.Dawg

...Yuck. Don’t be fucking gross, hermano. And I wouldn’t do that. Stick my dick in some random, then stick it in her? She doesn’t deserve that. She’s different. – C. Kent

They’re all different. That’s why I’m single. Does she know you have money? -J.Dawg

NO! God you’re annoying. -C. Kent

You know you love me. -J.Dawg.

Tiganello In Mugs

Sunday went by in a blur. Olivia, Allison, and Vanessa binge watched movies, made cheap-fried bologna sandwiches, and played barbies until Allison conked out at four in the evening for a nap.

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