Page 16 of The Pain We Nurture

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Appropriate, she supposed. Like her. Lifeless and boring.

Softly closing the door behind him, she reached over to take the wine from him and walked the few feet to the kitchen counter. Her bare feet padded softly on the cheap gray linoleum floor as she went.

Olivia tensed as his eyes perused her form slowly as he got comfortable leaning against her peninsula. She bristled with embarrassment at her lack of stools, or dining room table and chairs. She’d wanted to invite him to sit on the sofa but wasn’t sure she wanted to sit next to him that closely. They had too much chemistry to be that close.

She could acknowledge that fact.

Placing the bottle with a soft clink on the countertop, she avoided his gaze while she desperately tried to tamp down her feelings of embarrassment. Thinking that this is why she didn’t date.

“You are beautiful. Stunning, actually,” Colin said, his voice came out rather gruff. His eyes lingered slightly on her breasts and her collarbone. “Do you have anything for me to open this with?” he asked, reaching over to pick up the wine bottle again.

Her eyes widened in pleasure at the unexpected compliment.

“Thank you. Uhm...I’m not sure I have a wine opener. I don’t drink often enough to need one. Well, I guess I don’t drink at all really,” Olivia said apologetically. She bent slightly, opening several drawers, and trying to ignore him curiously looking at her, and at the state of the mostly empty drawers.

The few items clanked loudly in the empty space as she opened and closed drawers, mentally willing a wine opener to appear out of thin air.

“Hmm,” Colin rumbled again, fishing around his pocket and pulling out his key ring and unleashing an opener. “That’s ok, I forgot I carry one on me. I’m usually relatively prepared when it comes to these things,” he offered, taking the wine bottle, and twisting the opener into it. He twisted it a few times before unexpectedly flicking his brown eyes to hers again, and she felt a heavy bang in between her legs and she clenched, actually clenched as he raised an eyebrow at her.

Olivia bit her lip at his expression, her eyes flickered away from his nervously, unable to hold his stare. She swallowed thickly, feeling uncomfortable with the state of her body. She felt strung tight, almost painful with her sudden rush of desire.

“Are you going to get a couple wine glasses? Do you need me to keep telling you what to do?” he asked suggestively, giving her a sexy grin as he tugged the cork out with a pop.

She nodded stupidly as she blindly felt for the dishwasher handle behind her and pulled it down. Taking out the glass and mug and placing it on the counter between them. She attempted to pull the door of the dishwasher up discreetly and prayed that he didn’t ask questions about why there was literally nothing in her kitchen.

“No wine glasses hm? Man, you really don’t drink do you?” Colin said, with a contemplative glance at her. “Do you cook at all? The kitchen looks really… stark. No offense. Do you eat out a lot?” he asked as he poured them each a healthy amount of wine.

Goddamn it, she thought. She pressed her fingers into her arm which suddenly throbbed.

For the first time, she truly paid attention to what Colin was wearing. Noting he had an expensive yet tasteful and understated style.

He boasted an obviously nice watch on his left wrist, different from the one he’d worn when he was coming into the diner to ask her out. His hips were encased in slate gray slacks, and a white button-down dress shirt pulled tightly against his thick muscular arms, and he'd opened a couple buttons at the top, letting his dark crinkly hair peek through. His sleeves were rolled up, revealing crisp dark hair on his thick forearms, and she saw the beginnings of a tattoo sleeve inching its way up his arm, hidden beneath his shirt sleeves.

Her head tilted as she unashamedly caressed him with her green-eyed stare and let herself admit that his tattoos were a major turn on.

Colin’s forearms looked incredibly strong. Hosting prominent veins, and were tight with sinew and cords. Indicating he took very good care of his body. His dress shoes were shiny, and he had a gold ring on his right ring finger. Olivia's eyes flickered back up, seeing his dark hair was manipulated in a sexy style and every now and then, a strand would fall over his brow. Her fingers twitched to put it back in place.

Olivia swallowed a healthy drink herself before trying to answer his question. Surprised at the delicious flavor she paused as she looked rather bewildered at the contents of her mug. There was a pregnant pause while she thought to herself.

Maybe I’d actually drink if everything tasted like this, Olivia thought with a small grin she tried to bite back.

“I’m hardly ever home,” she answered simply, her emerald eyes met his plainly. Showing she had nothing to hide, and that he shouldn’t be looking for her here if he tried to come back. “And I can cook some I guess, I just don’t much.”

Any bitch. You don’t cook at all, that inner voice niggled at her, taunting her. She sucked her teeth in response, she really irritated herself sometimes.

“And,” Olivia added, her own eyes flickering over his form rather hastily again. “You don’t look too bad yourself. Rather good in fact,” she said with a small grin, feeling her cheeks pinken even more.

The redhead’s curse, always blushing. She wrapped an arm around her torso, her fingers digging hard into her ribs. Colin’s eyes tracked her movements, making her feel very seen.

She turned slightly, needing a break from the tension between them.

“Can you excuse me for a second? I still had a couple things to do before you came, eleven minutes early,” she edged her way around him and the counter before stopping abruptly, spinning around and hastily grabbing her mug of wine off the peninsula. She gave him a shaky smile as she took it in the bedroom with her.

“You don’t have to worry about that. I rarely come early,” Colin called out after her with a sexy, dangerous grin of his own as he leaned back and watched her walk into her bedroom.

How inappropriate, Olivia thought wryly. She grinned, amused at his double entendre before closing her bedroom door and locking it. She leaned against it and closed her eyes.

Oh my God, oh my GOD, he's so fucking hot! And that damn accent, just kill me now why don't you! she groaned inside her head. She pushed off the door, mentally steeling herself for a night of sexual torture.

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