Page 38 of The Pain We Nurture

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“The whole point is to take advantage of you, and in doing so you’ll become a very rich woman,” he said, pressing his thumb slightly deeper into her neck. Watching her green eyes lower slightly.

Colin smiled wider as her lips parted slightly in surprise.

Olivia nodded silently, her eyes going back to the blueprint of the house she desperately wanted for herself but knowing instinctively that it was a pipe dream. It would be better to cut her losses and get the money they so desperately needed while there was a chance.

She blinked back tears, giving away her dreams for this home, to this man she barely knew.

“I know you said it's non-negotiable, but I really don’t think I like page three,” she whispered, her eyes trained on his chest, unable to look at him. His chest expanded at her words, and she shivered, hearing a rough, barely suppressed sound emit from him.

God, the sounds you’ll make when we enact page three. Fucking hell… Colin took a deep breath to steady himself, the thoughts of her screaming, begging, and crying pulling him off kilter.

“Out of all the things, page three is the least negotiable one. Per the agreement we can only do that particular act twice a year. I meant it when I said this will take months of us building trust. Both of us, I’ll have to trust you too. Because page three will require you to give up all consent, not even a safe word to use. I can put a clause in stating that we will not engage in acts on page three until at least nine months out from today if it would make you feel better,” Colin assured.

Olivia rolled her lips, contemplating. Trying to see a way out, when she really knew what he was offering would change all of their lives.

“I don’t even know you. How do I know you’re even telling me the truth about all of this? If you can even afford it,” Olivia bit out to him, narrowing her eyes again at him.

Challenged, Colin narrowed his back, preferring to remain calm until after she signed. He reached into his pocket and opening his phone he logged into his banking app before pulling up his accounts. Facing the phone for her to see, he couldn’t help the self-satisfied smile that he felt on his face when she clocked how many commas were after each account. Olivia's face was priceless. She closed her eyes on a deep exhale, and he could see her resolve leave her in waves.

"I can't fucking believe I'm saying this... but deal. I accept," she gritted.

Colin turned on his heel, snatching up the document from off the couch and walking to his desk again so that he could sign the contract before turning the packet and presenting Olivia with the signature page.

He felt his body catch on fire as she slowly signed her name on the paper in a big, beautiful scrawl. He leaned back, regarding her intently as they both sat there in complete silence. Neither of them speaking for long minutes as the shock set in.

“I will have you know that I don’t do shit like this. I don’t let men fuck me, and I definitely don’t get ordered around by them. I’m only saying yes, because my niece’s life is on the line,” she said, her voice sounding hollow.

“Hmm-hm,” Colin hummed, his finger rubbing his lip. They both knew what the unspoken irony was between them. If she didn’t then, then she does now.

Colin made the first move.

Noticing Olivia's hands shaking, he leaned forward and dialed her apartment complex on his own phone, putting it on speaker. He sat back and watched with pleasure as she broke her lease, giving up her home that had been hers for the last four years.

He nodded at her as she took out her burner phone and dialed Gypsy, telling her that she needed to cancel her appointments for the rest of the month, that she would no longer be utilizing the service, and her phone would be cut off permanently. She then handed him the phone and watched silently as he placed the burner phone in his pocket.

Olivia’s next call was her boss Belinda, and tearfully told her that she’d be quitting, but she would still be seeing her as she would drop into the diner sometimes. Colin hummed in pleasure as she then called the bar to officially quit there as well.

At his instruction, she made another call to hire a moving service to pack up her apartment, reading off Colin’s Amex card credentials to pay for the men to pack up her things and take them to a storage unit. Which again, he arranged a two year fully paid agreement. Her next move was to send him an encrypted email with all her banking information as well as her credit card account information.

After a tense conversation about Allison’s medical expenses where Olivia was unable to tell him how much her care would be for the next two years, he had her call her sister to get her banking information as well. Promising to dump an undisclosed amount of money into her account so Vanessa would be able to pull from those funds, instead of relying on Olivia every month.

Olivia shook her head rather numbly, dreading having to deal with explaining that to her later. Vanessa sent the account information and Colin stepped aside to quietly make a phone call to his bank to expedite the process.

Olivia then signed a release of information to relinquish medical information, and an airtight NDA. She sent him her body measurements, her foot size, her preferred hair style, and had her college transcripts electronically sent to him.

She then waited patiently as he called some big wig dean at the Architectural school in the area and got her enrolled for the rest of the school year starting in the fall session. And was somehow able to plan out the rest of the classes she needed to graduate. Adding an additional four months onto their contract as a few of her credits didn’t transfer and she’d need to retake them. They had to revise and resign the contract to add the extra time.

Two and a half years almost, she was tied to him.

He then had her pull up her student loan information and pay off the entire balance, one hundred and twelve thousand dollars. Erased at once. She then called her sister again, promising that she would be over later to explain.

Explain what exactly? Olivia didn’t know…the temporary signing away of her life? The fact she agreed to be a move in sexual submissive to this sadistic powerful man who apparently was Oprah-rich.

Olivia sat on the couch, her chest heaving raggedly, she tensed in distress as her heart pounded uncomfortably at the magnitude of what she’d just done, and the possible ramifications of her actions. This man was going to fuck her, probably hurt her. When? She didn’t know, but it was coming at some point.

Her face flushed and her hand came up to her throat, knowing that they were both thinking it. She shuddered and kept her eyes averted from his.

Dueling emotions of desire and fear of the unknown filled her, making her weak.

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