Page 64 of The Pain We Nurture

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“Johnathan,” Colin’s voice came out clipped. “Bro, if you break my front door, you’re going to be paying for a new door and a new face if you piss me off,” he said, efficiently breaking him out of his spell. Johnathan and Vanessa had been staring at each other with slightly bewildered looks on their faces.

Colin watched as Vanessa looked away, quickly blushing. Johnathan turned to Colin again and flashed another bright smile as he saw Olivia standing next to him.

“We’ll see about that. Here’s the paperwork. I just need a signature here,” Johnathan said, unconcerned with Colin's threat. He slid the paper over to Vanessa with a pen. “Hi cutie,” He said to Allison. The little girl finally finished her food and was holding her bunny to her chest, looking up at Johnathan in awe.

Colin grinned at the sight, seeing the girl visibly melt. Thinking if Allison cheesed any harder, she’d have hearts in her eyes.

“Hey Jonathan, nice to meet you too,” Olivia said with a slight laugh, flashing him a bright smile of her own. Colin turned and narrowed his eyes down at her.

“What?” Olivia mumbled sheepishly. Shrugging and leaning forward, she grabbed Allison’s plate.

He watched as Vanessa was currently drooling over at Johnathan while she signed the papers without even looking at them. She’d peeked at Johnathan, who seemed to be making the same strange lovesick face.

Colin abruptly took Alison’s bowl from her with a disapproving noise. He shooed her out of the way and rinsed it off in the sink before loading it in the dishwasher.

“Eat,” he said firmly, pushing her bowl closer to her. "You look good, baby, not so weary. Like you're starting to get your health back."

Colin turned to offer Johnathan some breakfast while Olivia blinked over at him, shocked at his words.

“Is it halal?” Jonathan asked, scrunching his nose up at the bowls in front of the rest of them. Vanessa frowned, looking at her bowl before glancing at Johnathan.

“Bro, I’ve never fed you pork before. Jesus. I made it with turkey sausage, estupido,” Colin rolled his eyes at his friend irritably. Olivia smiled, hearing him insult his friend in Spanish.

"What do I have to do to get you to speak to me in that sexy accent?" she teased, looking over at him as she chewed her food slowly. Colin met her stare intensely, giving her a slow once over with his eyes.

"Estoy seguro de que cualquier cose que hagas para provocarme bebe requerira que seas castigado. Lo cual hare con mis manos, no con mis palabras."

"I'm sure whatever you do to provoke me, baby, will require you to be punished. Which I will be doing with my hands, not my words."

Having not understood a word he said, Olivia blinked at him. "Okay then," turning back to her food, a satisfied look on her face.

They discussed their car business with the women a bit, sharing information about the software business and how their cars were shipped all over the world.

Johnathan was the owner of a reputable, prestigious car brand. He spent a year testing out Colin’s software on cars in Germany before moving on to other countries. The business move was a lucrative one, catapulting both men into billionaire status.

The women stopped chewing, slowly raising their eyebrows and glancing at the men.

“What,” Olivia asked, swallowing her food and glancing over at Colin with an incredulous look on her face. “did you say ‘illionaire’ with a ‘b’?" she asked, putting her fork down. He smiled at how hard she stressed the ‘b’.

He was willing to bet every red cent that she was thinking she should have made him pay more for the blueprints.

“That’s correct,” he said with a little smirk. “Like Oprah,” he added, just to really make it fun.

“Jeff Bezos,” Johnathan added.

Colin shot over to him the name of a famous prince. This was a fond game they engaged in.

“Not yet, I asked him,” Johnathan said around a bite of gravy.

Olivia’s fork clattered on the countertop.

“What?” she gasped; her face flushed a bright pink.

Johnathan nodded, eating another big bite. “He will be, though, I think. Just give him a few years. It’s coming. They're good people.”

Colin raised an eyebrow as he observed Olivia’s features settle into a peculiar expression. He reminded himself to remove the picture of himself, Johnathan, and the prince that was in his study. She didn’t need to know everything. And especially didn’t need to know anything that caused her to look like she was intrigued by the thought of another man. Royalty or no royalty.

“Yeah, that’s enough Johnathan,” Colin said, slightly irritated at the way Olivia’s breath hitched excitedly when his friend mentioned the prince. His friend ignored him.

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