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“M'kay, well take a seat there,” Olivia ordered, her tone brisk. “I have to mop again now, because of the rainwater from the storm,” she turned to walk away before stopping herself and turning back. “You’re on a bike, do you need a ride somewhere?” she asked, cursing to herself as she remembered her gas tank was almost empty. She didn’t have the money to haul strangers around like an Uber.

The man dumped his helmet on the floor before lowering himself carefully into the seat, filling up the space. “No, I’ve already contacted someone to bring me my car, and to pick my bike up. But thank you, I appreciate the offer,” he replied, flashing her another smile as he stretched out a leg and pulled out his phone from his back pocket. “They’re about forty-five minutes away.”

Olivia watched warily as he beat out a quick text on his phone before glancing at her once more. For some reason she found herself focusing on his eyebrows. She'd never seen a man have such a sexy, mysterious aura about them. She again had that strange, unnerving feeling that left her rather disconcerted and unsure.

He cleared his throat, bringing her back to the present.

“I’m Colin, and you are?” he waited expectantly; his dark eyebrow arched rather haughtily at her.

She shivered slightly at the movement, then rolled her eyes at the weakness.

“Olivia,” she said, a little harsher than she intended to.

“Nice to meet you, Olivia,” Colin said again in that buttery voice. His eyes did his own slow perusal down her form. “I’m sorry that I’m keeping you. I hope you didn’t have anything important going on later?”

Olivia stared at him and slowly shook her head. Truly having been looking forward to going home and getting into her comfortable bed. She was exhausted and had to work a double tomorrow on top of meeting another client for an hour’s session later in the night. She’d needed the money badly if she wanted to eat.

She'd been unwilling to steal food from the diner like her coworker told her to.

Sighing, Olivia rubbed her eyes briefly before she walked to the back of the diner and grabbed the cleaning supplies she’d just put away.

Running the mop water, she heard the jukebox from the front of the diner start. Katy Perry was singing.

Colin must have put some money in the jukebox to play some songs, she thought. She smiled wistfully, thinking that it'd be too cool to experience riding Harleys in Hawaii.

Weary, she rolled the cleaning supplies back to the front of the diner, seeing that Colin was lounged back in his seat with his ankle over his knee, texting again.

Olivia began to silently mop the dark gray floor, shaking her head no when he offered to mop it for her. Her normally sweet boss would skin her alive if she let a patron help with diner duties in any capacity.

A hilarious giggle erupted from her throat as she imagined her boss’ face turning bright red as she watched Colin clean the floor through their security system feed. Envisioning the sight in her mind’s eye, it took her mind off her stinging arm, and she accomplished the job without a spasm.

“Something funny?” Colin said, glancing up at her from his phone. He was almost constantly texting on the device.

She huffed and looked up from wringing the last of the water out, her eyebrow arched.

“Nope,” she replied, keeping it short and to the point.

“You don’t talk much, do you?” Colin asked, sitting deeper in the seat and thrumming his fingers on his thick muscular thigh.

Olivia’s eyes caught the movement, thinking he really did delicious things to a pair of pants. She wrapped her fingers hard around the handle of the mop, leaning against it momentarily.

“Would you like a piece of pie while we wait?” she said sweetly, trying to hide her annoyance.

In other words, shut up, please, she gave him her best smile. Seeing his eyes flicker to her mouth before back up to her eyes.

“No thank you. Another time,” he answered, flashing her a cheeky grin as if he’d heard her thoughts. Colin adjusted again in his seat, really spreading his legs and getting comfortable. Olivia found the stance sexy, and then mentally chastized herself. She didn’t want to find this stranger sexy and appealing.

Olivia gave him another polite smile. Hoping and praying he would take the hint and stop talking to her. She quickly rolled the bucket to the back and sorted it out before she whipped her wet diner shirt off, grateful to have a white tank underneath.

She ignored her tummy rumbling as she shoved her shirt in her bag and untied her hair from its tight bun, shaking the silky dark red strands loose. Moaning in relief as her hair fell in long waves down her back and her front, spilling over her breasts and down her sides before ending at her lower back.

Olivia gripped her neck hard with her hands and rolled her shoulders a little. The ache in her arm refused to let up. She gathered her things again and walked back to the front of the diner, dropping tiredly in a seat a few feet from Colin. She crossed her legs and unlocked her phone. Ignoring him rather rudely.

She twiddled with her hair absentmindedly as she scanned through the various messages from her sister and her boss. She found her foot swinging to the beat of the song, wishing she could dance to it like she wanted.

I’m alive, he’s waiting for his car. They should be here in like 15 minutes. Also, not happy, I had to mop the floor again. =(. -O

Her boss replied: I’ll give you an extra $25 for staying late. You’re an exemplary employee, Olivia =). Please take your time on the way home and be safe.
