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Olivia groaned as she neared the end of her shift at ten thirty that night. For the first time she didn’t think she could make it through her shift, having to pause several times as she mopped to give her arm time to stop stinging.

The pain hindered her, and she was at the diner later than she normally was during the week.

Olivia winced with a little gasp as she hoisted the yellow mop bucket. Trying to ignore the sting in her arm as she drained the water in the back cleaning area before rinsing the bucket out and letting it drain upside down. She locked the register for the night, pulling out her phone as she walked to the front window and turned the OPEN sign to CLOSED, before locking the door.

Putting her head into her hands for a second, she raised her head and focused on her phone again.

Olivia anxiously flipped through her banking app, already knowing what she’d find, as she looked at her accounts multiple times a day.

Checking: -$44.02

Savings: $5.86

Emergency savings: $2.00

She bit her lip, unwilling to let herself feel bad for giving the money to her sister for Allison. She placed her phone down on the counter before walking back to the break room and grabbing her purse from the locker.

Turning the knob on the lock she flinched in fear as a horrible crack of thunder broke through the sky, sending her heartbeat sky rocketing. She turned off all the lights in the back before hearing a thumping noise from the front of the diner.

Olivia stopped breathing; ears cranked for more noise. After a couple more seconds she heard a banging. Her eyes widened in surprise; someone was knocking on the door in this storm? She bravely peeked her head out of the back and saw an enormous shadow through the door. There was a man peeking in through the window and banging rather incessantly.

“Can someone let me in, please? I need assistance!” the man yelled, banging some more.

Olivia shuddered as another crack of thunder lit the sky, and the torrential downpour thundered against the rooftop. Making it sound like the entire building would cave in under its pressure. She made a split-second decision to let him in, knowing she'd want someone to do the same for her.

Olivia spotted her phone on the counter and sprinted to it. Unlocking it and typing out a quick text to her boss and her sister.

Still at the diner, letting in someone who’s stranded out in this storm. I should be ok, I have a taser. Can’t leave him out there. Will give you an update in a bit. -Olivia

Olivia hurriedly shared her location with the two of them before walking to the door to unlock and open it. She gasped in shock as the storm blew the door further open and bringing with the man, and a ton of rainwater on the floor she’d just mopped.

Olivia gritted her teeth, extremely annoyed as the man helped her press against the door to shut it against the storm. Raising furious eyes to him, she paled as his face came into view.

Holy fucking shit! Olivia thought, her mind glitching as she stared into a pair of the most beautiful chocolate-colored eyes she’d ever seen. Her eyes flickered over his face unashamedly as he stared back down at her.

The man’s hair was brown, medium length, but still floppy and wet from the rain. His face was scruffy with a five-o'clock shadow, giving his sharp, defined features a dangerous ambiance. His skin had a beautiful olive tone, big body type, and he was tall-almost a foot taller than her.

He looked older, well into adulthood, and confident in it.

Feeling incredibly petite next to him, Olivia cowered slightly, biting her lip. She hurried back a couple of steps before she could take him in better. He had on a felt dark green jacket, dark washed jeans, and riding boots.

Olivia's eyes roamed curiously over his broad chest and bulging biceps filled out the jacket and his arm was wrapped around a…. helmet?

She frowned, her irritation growing.

“What the hell are you doing, riding on a motorcycle in this weather?” Olivia admonished before she even realized her mouth had opened.

Embarrassed at her outburst, she hurriedly pressed her fingers to her lips to shut herself up. Her eyes widened slightly as she remembered she was still at her place of employment and shouldn’t be talking to him like that.

The man finished running his fingers through the dark strands before glancing down at her and flashing her a devastating smile with his full lips. He was almost eerily handsome. Like that guy off three hundred- and sixty-five-day movie handsome. Her brain suddenly and inexplicably went to mush. She couldn’t quite process his next words.

“Well, it wasn’t supposed to rain. And I wasn’t supposed to be on this side of town this late either,” the man’s voice was elegant with a slight spanish accent, smooth as sin, with a slight growl, and his teeth were so white and straight.

Olivia felt herself go weak in the knees at his smile before determinedly slapping a frown on her face. Nope, she wasn’t going there. She fussed with the hem of her yellow diner shirt, pulling at it nervously while she took a second to gather herself. Her irritation had quickly turned into something too close to desire and curiosity for her comfort.

She pointed to a chair close to the door.

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