Page 74 of The Pain We Nurture

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She plunged a hand into her panties and knocked her head into the back of the wall when she grasped her swollen clit. A little moan flew past her lips as she worked it furiously, thinking about the possessive man across the office. With her other hand, she raised it and squeezed an aching breast. Seeing her nipple jut through the fabric, she grasped it, digging her nails in. Causing her to cry out at how good it felt.

She stopped, covering up her mouth with her hand, breathing hard. Her fingers worked her flesh hard for a few more minutes and she shuddered as she felt the orgasm looming, the wet sounds of her fingers slipping against her flesh. She was so close.

Just then, the door knocked, throwing her off. Her brows furrowed.

“Just a minute,” she called, waiting for them to leave.

“Olivia? You’ve been in there for a while. Are you okay?” Colin called through the door.

She tossed her head back, seething.

What the fuck. Fuck fuck fuuuuck! she screamed in her head.

“Yes, I’m fine. I’ll be right out,” her voice came out shaky.

He was silent. She hesitated, dragging her fingers from her panties. She lowered her leg.

“Let me in,” he said, his deep voice coming out stern.

“Colin! I need privacy,” she gritted, pissed because her orgasm was receding.

“It wasn’t a question. Now,” he said through the door.

Panicking, she hurriedly went to the door and unlocked it before lunging to the sink as he walked in and shut it behind him. She squealed as he suddenly pulled her back from the sink before she had a chance to put her fingers under the water. He pressed her hard against the wall. His eyes took in her things scattered on the floor before roaming all over her body, taking in her disheveled panting state.

His lip curled.

“I can smell you,” he growled, taking a deep breath. Olivia paled, yet her heartbeat raced again. Her sensitive body misting as desire slammed into her at his proximity. She cried out as he took her hand and held it up between them. He slowly placed it to his nose, inhaling deeply.

“Colin,” Olivia whined as he lashed his tongue out to lick her before slipping her fingers into his mouth. He suckled her fingers and then bit down on the spot she normally did when she was upset. The action caused a shocked whine to escape her throat, and she gasped as he tightened even further before releasing her.

“Finish,” he ordered. His eyes were intense on hers.

She shook her head. She’d never masturbated in front of anyone before.

“We need to have a talk about expectations, I see,” he bit out, running his nose along her jaw before stopping at her ear.

Colin pulled Olivia's earlobe into his mouth before tugging on the emerald. Her breath sawed in and out of her lungs as she felt his hard chest pressing into her breasts firmly, pushing her harder into the wall.

“I am not a man who likes to repeat himself, and you know this. So, when you put me in a position to repeat myself, I have to ask myself what the reason is. The only answer I can think, is that you want Francis to hear you screaming my name. Is that what you want, baby? Because I’m prepared to make that happen, if you don’t do what I’ve just requested of you. I will fuck you right here in this bathroom and not stop until all of Johnathan’s office knows what’s going on. Just keep testing me. Your choice, baby. You’ve got to the count of two. One. T-”

In her haste, Olivia almost knocked her head into his as she scrambled to pull her dress up.

Without thinking, she placed her heel on the trashcan again at the same time she plunged her fingers into her panties, rubbing furiously. Because she didn’t get her balance before she did, her foot rolled, and she almost fell. Colin caught her up quickly as she tilted to the side and righted her back. She rested her head on the wall and closed her eyes, her lips pouting sexily as she fought to get her impending orgasm back.

She felt a violent tugging on her body and opened her eyes to see Colin fisting the material in his hands and yanking the tight fabric up her legs until it bunched at her waist.

He stared intently at her fingers swiping under her panties, that wet clicking sound filling the area and making her cheeks redden in shame.

“Almost there, baby,” he said encouragingly.

She inhaled shock as his hand suddenly moved and he pinched and rolled her right nipple through her dress without looking. Still staring intently in between her legs. She keened, a wave of pleasure breaking over her, and she orgasmed with a soughing sigh, feeling her essence leaking down the inside of her leg. Leaning there against the wall, she panted quietly, her leg bent outward at the knee as Colin raised his eyes to hers. They silently looked at each other for a long minute.

It was the hottest, most forbidden thing Olivia had ever done in her life. Colin smiled at her again, as if he heard her.

“Do you feel better? No, no, no. Leave your leg right there, mama. I didn’t say you could move yet. I said, do you feel better?” his eyes flickered between hers, waiting for her response.

“Yes, sir,” she answered. She really did, too.
