Page 73 of The Pain We Nurture

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Francis glanced at Colin before his eyes turned back to her, clocking the emeralds in her ears, and the diamond watch Colin gifted her with. She bit her lip, swallowing hard.

“Oui, McDermont,” the man switched respectfully to using his last name, but she knew Colin didn’t care. A lesson was going to be taught today and Olivia stood there silently, not knowing if the lesson was for her or his business associates.

Johnathan rocked back on his heels, a little throaty noise coming from the big man. He clicked his tongue. Colin ignored him.

“Too expensive to look at, wouldn’t you agree?” Colin pressed, seemingly unbothered, but his energy said otherwise. It draped over the group as if he’d flung a bucket of icy water on them all.

Slightly offended, she stiffened. “Col-“ she started before being interrupted by a deep sound emitting from him.

“Now, your company wants my reputation. You need MY business. I don’t need yours. You keep your fucking dick in the other associates' wives if you want to. But if I catch you even so much as breathing in her direction from here on out, I will fuck your entire world up. Don’t play with me, you shitty Toyota driving punta,” Colin’s deep voice echoed threateningly around them. Olivia’s heart thudded painfully.

Johnathan covered his mouth, clearing his throat gently. Looking away, rocking on his feet once more.

Olivia bit her lip and hurriedly lowered her gaze to Francis' feet, blinking, thinking about her Honda he made her get rid of.

Oh. My. God. What an awful fucking insult, she thought to herself.

Francis turned his eyes back to Colins. He looked incredibly nervous. “You’re right. Too expensive for me to afford,” the man said, with a carefully hidden shocked look on his face.

Colin smiled a truly genuine smile before leaning to her and placing his lips against her ear.

“You buy every fucking thing you want, Princess,” he breathed deeply, giving her ear a little kiss right next to the emerald and turned back to the men, wrapping his arm around her waist and keeping her close.

Olivia stood there, perplexed. Despite her being quite literally right in front of him, standing next to Colin as they finished their conversation, the man did not even so much as flick his eyes in her direction. And even though he hadn’t even been addressed, the other man didn’t either. She didn’t know whether to be embarrassed or relieved. The man he'd reprimanded was just publicly ousted as a serial cheater with wives that were in the men’s circle.

Olivia peeked at Colin through her lashes.

The man was powerful, wrapped in audacity and plated with cojones bigger than Texas. No wonder Johnathan always called him crazy. He said and did what he wanted with no fear whatsoever. It was intimidating but admirable that he could live so eloquently in his truth. She felt respect rise up inside of her for him. She smiled a goofy smile at him and he stopped mid-sentence and asked her why she had that look on her face.

“Because I respect you so much. Your balls are absolutely enormous, Colin. It’s a sight to behold,” she said, holding back tears of laughter. Yes, she really liked this man. His eyes widened before narrowing in shock.

Johnathan roared with laughter, coming over to give her a big hug. Laughing so hard he couldn’t even get words out; he swiped his hand to his office and ushered the Frenchmen away. “Serves you right, Francis,” he said before the door clicked shut and it was just her and Colin. She let out a little giggle, wiping her eyes. Johnathan’s laughter was contagious.

Colin’s eye flicked over her face before he stepped the foot distance between them.

“And what do you know about my balls, missy?” Colin breathed, wrapping his hand around her upper arm and pressing her into his torso. The action made her have to stand up on her tip-toes and she let out a low moan as he lowered his face to hers, just barely grazing her lips with his.

“Nothing,” she whispered. “And well, if we have to talk about them, then maybe everything’s so very small down there. And maybe that’s why your ego is so fucking big,” Olivia said with a straight face, giving him wide doe eyes.

He let out an incredibly sexual chuckle, and that was all she needed to know that he was, in fact, not small down there. A man would never make the noise he just did if he didn’t have what it takes to back it up.

As if he heard her thoughts, his hand traveled down her arm before grabbing her fingers and moving her arm, making her bend down slightly. Her eyes widened as he yanked her down further, to a spot on the inside of his thigh and then pressed her hand in. She felt the very thick tip of his dick where it rested quite a way down his pants. Her panties flooded, and she whimpered, her face flushing as she realized what an incredibly inappropriate position they were in.

“You tell me, Olivia, is this small enough for you?” his face was impassive. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking. She swallowed hard before pulling her hand back.

I am NOT putting that thing inside me, she wailed in her head, crossing her legs and standing very still.

“Well, it’s a dick for sure,” she said, giving him a little wink. Not betraying what was really going on in her head on the inside.

Like how she was never ever going to find herself in this position again. How the hell did she sign that agreement without asking him to show her what he was packing? She was going to void it anyway when she couldn’t fit it inside of her. He wouldn’t pay for what he couldn’t use. A fresh wave of insecurity and fear washed through her, and she paled.

He saw it. Of course he did.

“Ohhhh,” he tsked. “Poor thing, did I just scare you? You can take it, Olivia. You’re going to have to.” He smiled at her, giving her cheek a little pat before he turned on his heel and disappeared through Johnathan’s office door. The pat was all it took to switch her fear to desire. Like a light switch going off, her panties flooded, and she felt a harsh throbbing between her legs.

She unclenched her legs and let out a gasping choking noise. Turning to grab her bag and phone, she ran into a nearby executive bathroom, uncaring that the men saw her running through the glass of the office. Closing the bathroom door and locking it, she took a second to breathe before looking over at her reflection in the mirror. She looked wild, her eyes tortured.

On a hitched sob, she dropped her purse and her phone to the floor and yanked her dress up. Looking down, and seeing a covered small trash bin, she placed a heel gingerly on top of it. Bending her leg and opening herself up.
