Page 77 of The Pain We Nurture

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Inhaling on a ragged breath, Mary put a hand to her forehead, shaking. Vanessa’s eyes widened as she leapt off the stool, she was sitting on to hurry around the island. Olivia and Vanessa both surrounded Mary, who was suddenly crying into her hands.

“Mary, oh my goodness, what’s wrong?” Olivia said softly, running her hands down her arms. Trying to soothe the lady. Vanessa took the spoon out of Mary’s hand and placed it back on the stove before turning back to her, rubbing a hand down her back.

Colin walked to them, pulling Olivia out of the way and wrapping Mary in his arms.

“Ma, what’s wrong? What can I do? Tell me please,” he said, sounding very concerned.

Mary sniffed and wiped her face with a shaky hand, patting his arms gently and stepping away. She turned to Johnathan, who was still sitting there looking quite disconcerted.

“Nothing, I’m so sorry Johnathan. I don’t feel well today. I’m sorry for taking it out on you. But it’s true, we don’t ever serve you pork, so please. The next time you say halal to me, I’ll halal you straight in your throat,” Mary said softly, looking over at Johnathan who had winked at her and was sipping his whiskey. Colin laughed softly, running a hand through his hair.

“Oh Mary, I like it when you talk dirty to me,” Johnathan said, cracking a joke and easing everyone’s tension. He was just too cool.

Boy, he’s really been getting the shit end of the stick lately, Olivia thought, wincing.

Colin stepped away cautiously. “You still didn’t say what’s wrong.”

“It’s woman problems, mijo. I apologize, I shouldn’t have talked to a guest of yours like that. I’m so sorry. I can resign for being so disrespectful.”

Olivia and Vanessa shared a knowing look and cooed in sympathy.

Johnathan and Colin both erupted in outrage at the same time, scaring the women who were sharing a moment. They all jumped back.

“Take that back Mary,” Johnathan said rather loudly, an offended look on his face.

“Ma, that’s so fucked up. You’re like our MOM. What is wrong with you? This sickness better be something serious for you to say what you just said. I’m with Johnathan. Take that shit back now. Like right now,” he growled at the Mary, a thunderous look on his face.

Mary stared at the two men before breaking out into tears again.

“I’m going through menopause and I feel so-so...” she broke off into sobs again, looking like she was about to have a complete meltdown.

Colin and Johnathan both paled, their eyes flickering everywhere, not sure what to say.

“Well, uh,” Colin cleared his throat. “I mean, um…you can’t resign, though. You can have the other guest bedroom if you need to rest, ma. Don’t worry about going home tonight, unless you just need to, then we can take you. And please take a few days off. Do you need one of us to take you to the doctor? We can do all kinds of stuff now with...”

Olivia turned and threw him a very obvious shut up look. He snapped his mouth shut at her expression.

“Mary, what do you need? What can we do to help?” she whispered, pulling her out of the kitchen and into the powder room with Vanessa following.

Mary looked at her with red eyes.

“Thank you Mija, their energy can be a lot, you know?” she sniffled. Vanessa took a small hand towel and wet it before pressing it into the woman’s hand. She smiled her thanks and put it to her neck.

“Oh yeah,” Olivia giggled. “Hey, take off a couple days next week and take a four-day weekend. Don’t worry about money or anything. Colin wouldn’t do that to you, you know that. And besides, we can manage for a little while before we starve to death, I think.”

Vanessa let out a hilarious giggle before looking down sharply and picking at a nail. Olivia tilted her head as she just now noticed a beautiful sapphire on her right hand.

“Vanessa! Oh my gosh, did Johnathan give you that?” Olivia whispered, a smile breaking out on her face.

Vanessa nodded, blushing as she showed Olivia and Mary.

“I’m so glad you two came into my boy’s lives. It’s about time they found some happiness. Thank you,” Mary whispered, leaning over to wrap the girls in a big hug.

They walked her out before helping her grab her things and walked her to the car without letting the men interfere. They waved as they watched her drive down the driveway. Turning to each other, they smiled.

“So. Have you and Johnathan bumped and grinded yet?” she teased her sister as they walked back to the steps leading to the front door.

“Not yet,” Vanessa laughed. “I’m holding out. I just have to live vicariously through you!”
