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Colin stared unwaveringly at her and she decided they were playing a little game of who could blink first, apparently. Lucky for him she loved games.

She cheered silently in her head as Colin finally broke his eye contact with her. He stood smoothly from his seat just as a bright pair of headlights flashed by the window, stalling outside.

“My ride’s here. Thanks again, Red. I wish you well,” he expressed, walking forward and offering her his hand to shake. She raised her eyebrow at the nickname. Because how coincidental after her interaction with Gypsy calling her Rusty.

Standing hastily and grabbing her things, she nonchalantly placed her hand in his. Stiffening as an electrical shock flew up her arm and exploded in her chest. With a gasp, she wrenched her hand away, shaking it slightly. Her nose scrunched up as she glared up at him almost accusatory.

“I’m surprised you didn’t get electrocuted out there,” Olivia said, her brows furrowed as her already smarting arm tingled.

She watched as Colin flexed his hand slowly, looking down at her curiously. He smiled again at her before bending to grab his helmet and open the door to let her out first.

Olivia locked up the diner before turning to see him greet a middle eastern man who had climbed out of a big truck. Her eyes narrowed as she saw that parked behind the truck was an expensive looking dusky blue BMW iX. She rolled her eyes, irritated that someone who could afford such a car caused her to lose an hour of sleep tonight.

She didn't care how attractive she found him.

Squinting her eyes against the downpour, Olivia marched her way to her beater as Colin and the man heaved his sports bike into the back of the man’s truck. She pointedly ignored him as Colin turned to look at her while he jumped out of the back of the truck.

Olivia shivered as she started her car, having no heat. She turned on her windshield wiper blades with stiff fingers and waited patiently for the truck to pull off.

She tensed when she heard a tap at the passenger window. Rolling it down slowly she turned.

“What can I help you with now?” she all but hissed, seriously pissed off, tired, and ready to go.

“You shouldn’t be out here in the dark. Would you like me to follow you home?” Colin asked, leaning his head slightly in her window. The words took a minute to register.

“NO, now get the hell out of the rain!” she all but shouted. Her eyebrows slammed together as he looked at her car dash before putting his fingers to the vent.

“Why don’t you have your heat on? It’s cold out here!” Colin turned his chocolate eyes to hers, seemingly not caring that he was getting absolutely drenched outside of the car. The rain was pounding against his back, the material visibly weighing down and plastering to his back heavily.

God what the entire fuck is with this guy? she groaned to herself. Not wanting to risk pnemonia more than she already was, she started rolling up the window on him.

Turning her face away from him, truly about to lose it.

“Hey, hey, hey,” Colin rumbled in his deep voice, trying to extract himself from the window.

Olivia yelped in alarm as the passenger door opened, fumbling with her cold wet hands to open her own door to flee. Scared, her hands slipped and grappled with the door handle. She'd just managed to push it open right as he inserted himself into her passenger seat smoothly, banging his knee on the dash as he kept one leg in and one leg out. He couldn’t fit his massive frame into into her small car.

Olivia shivered as he grabbed her hand once more, pressing something into it. She glanced down, folding her fingers around the object.

Forty bucks.

The rain pounded down hard on the roof of her car as she silently stared at him breathing hard in shock, just grateful he wasn’t forcing himself on her. His big, warm hand pressed into her skin firmly, that electrical current buzzing between their skin.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, Olivia pressed her lips together. Feeling the back of her eyes prickle.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t have much cash on me at the moment. I just appreciate you waiting when you could have left me out there,” Colin stated, looking at her once more before running his free hand down his wet face. Her hand gripped the money hard as tears swelled in her eyes, and with much effort she kept them from falling.

He didn’t know that he had just paid for her food for the rest of the week.

“Thank you. I really appreciate this more than you know,” she whispered tearfully, pressing her lips together even tighter. Refusing to say anything else and making this already embarrassing situation even more so. There was no way she was going to spill her life story to him over forty bucks. No chance.

Colin’s fingers closed briefly on her wrist, and she had the reeling sensation that she’d just given him something. Something shared between the two of them that he didn’t make her privy to.

“See, you can be nice. You’re very welcome, Olivia," Colin breathed into her space, and instantaneously her nipples hardened under her wet shirt. His eyes flickered down, seeing it before rising to her eyes again with a slight sparkle in his irises this time.

“Have a safe drive home. Be careful in this storm,” he said, letting himself out of her car and walking to his. They both sat there for a while before Olivia realized he was waiting for her to pull off first. She turned her signal light on and swiveled quickly into the road, watching him pull off in the opposite direction in her rearview mirror.

Olivia fell into bed in just her underwear without taking a shower. On the way home, she’d stopped at a gas station and paid six dollars for two slices of meat lover's pizza and a three-dollar vodka shot putting ten dollars in her tank before going home.
