Page 104 of The Pain We Allow

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"Okay Daniel, I have a question for you," Olivia asked softly, reaching forward to caress his cheek, she let him maintain eye contact with her for several seconds before she bent at the waist and put her lips dangerously close to his.

"Anything Kat, ask me!" Daniel sniveled, trying to lean down closer to close the gap between their mouths. Olivia turned slightly, and placed her eyes on Colin’s.

"Would you shoot him if I asked you to?" she whispered, turning to look back at Carmichael.

He nodded, and his arm raised. Carmichael tilted his head as his eyes found Colin’s.

Colin kept very still.

"No, no... I just wanted to see if you would do it. I don't want you to kill any of them," she said, whipping out her arm. She slapped it over his forearm, making his gun lower back down, and with the action, another bang rendered the air as another bullet wasted into the ground next to them. Olivia smiled almost tenderly at the man. “Put the gun in the back of your pants baby, and get back on your knees,” she said, her voice coming out soft, almost the same voice she used to talk to Allison or baby Ian.

Carmichael hurried to comply.

“Oh, can Colin put some music on real quick? I want to play his favorite song while I do this to you. I think it’d be such a sweet ending don’t you think? Then, every time he hears it, he’ll think of you. And me together. That way he’ll never forget me,” she said, bending down to press her lips softly to the side of his mouth. Colin felt bile rise in his throat. “He needs his phone,” she called out to the other henchman.

“Give it to him,” Carmichael bit out, almost angrily.

The henchman dug into his pocket before pulling out his phone and tossing it to him. Colin stared incredulously at her, his eyes narrowing. He was seething on the inside.

“Oh and don’t even think about calling the police, Colin. This is going to be too good to interrupt,” she said in a sultry voice as she looked down at Carmichael, licking her lips.

Colin growled as Jonathan gave him a little shove.

He reluctantly walked to the car, one of the henchman’s guns trained on him as he opened his car door and took his phone, putting it into the docking station and turning the volume on high. The music blasted through the trees. He hit the button that signaled help through the car’s software, also activating the signal that indicated the need for help but with an SOS for help to be silent. He prayed quietly that his decision didn’t just sign all their death certificates.

Breathing a small sigh of relief that no one came over the speaker, he saw the dash light up, letting him know that the message was sent. He didn’t know at this point if help would make it in time.

Colin walked back to where he was and groaned as he saw Olivia beginning to dance, her eyes on Carmicheal. She gave her hips a little wiggle before moving her body in such a sexual way that as much as he hated to admit it, he got hard. Even in this very fucked up situation where they might die, he still wanted her. His jaw dropped as she suddenly got on her hands and knees and crawled seductively towards Carmicheal, the belt dragging next to her in her hands.

She sat back on her knees and dragged her hand slowly up the man’s stomach, up to his throat before squeezing lightly, almost like she was giving him a massage. Her breaths came out ragged, like she was enjoying it. Her nails dug in and she suddenly squeezed hard, making him whimper and tense up.

“Don’t worry Daniel, I’m going to make it so, so much better. You just let me know when you’re ready,” she moaned. The sexual sound scared them all as it was so unexpected. Carmichael groaned as she kept going, making breathless, moaning noises.

Colin’s eyes narrowed as he saw the man suddenly twitch, a wet spot spreading on the front of his pants.

“Oh my God, this is sick. This is so fucked up,” Vanessa whispered from her spot on the ground. She was leaning against Jonathan’s leg, wrapped around him, trembling.

“Patience,” Jonathan whispered back. So low Colin wondered if he even heard him right over the music.

Olivia looked down at Carmichael’s pants and tsked.

“Oh noo. What have you done? Daniel, I didn’t say you could come,” Olivia whispered. “You took the good part away from me,” she slapped him across the face once more with one hand, then followed up with a slap with the other hand, the element of surprise catching him off guard. “Oh well, you ready? I’m only going to do this once,” she said, a little hurt look on her face.

“No, no! More than once, Kat. Please?” the man whined.

Whined. A grown man sniveling and whining like a bitch, Colin fought hard against dry heaving like Vanessa was. It was truly disgusting to watch.

She shook her head. “I said once,” she hissed.

“But please. Please,” he whined, sounding like a child.

Olivia paused, everything was silent for several seconds as she tilted her head slowly, tapping her fingers against her arm. “Ok,” she said. “since you begged so nicely. JONATHAN!” she suddenly barked.

Jonathan raised his eyebrows, turning his eyes onto hers.

“I need Colin to turn around and look the other way. Make sure he doesn’t see this part. There are just some things a girl’s gotta keep to herself you know?” she said this last part rather quietly, and Colin’s stomach turned.

Olivia began unbuttoning her pants. The henchman watched, riveted with their guns lowered once more. Colin’s vision went red. Jonathan turned him quickly, putting his back to the scene and getting into his face. Jonathan wrapped a hand around his throat warningly.

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