Page 13 of The Pain We Allow

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They all erupted in shocked laughter at the sight of the blue ring pop that he presented. Olivia took a deep breath and shook her head yes, unable to speak. Standing up he placed it on her finger before leaning in to give her a harsh possessive kiss.

“Thank you for being so brave,” Colin whispered against her lips, gently rocking her side to side as he held her against him. “Thank you for being so stubborn and insufferable and giving me a reason to beat your ass. Thank you for being the yin to my yang. Thank you for loving me and giving me a second chance at life. Thank you for being you,” he said, pulling back to look into her shining eyes.

Olivia sobbed at his words. They were the most beautiful expressions she’d ever heard.

They got married that night, in a small intimate ceremony in the lounge with Vanessa and Jonathan as witnesses.

Colin promised Olivia that they would have a lavish ceremony and invite all their family at another time. Soon, everyone had signed the necessary documents, and they were back together sitting in the living room. Toasting to each other, slightly in shock. But not unhappy. Jonathan couldn’t stop beaming, his bright white teeth soon overtaking his whole face as he was proud of his friend.

As they went to bed that night, he fucked her in ways it really isn’t decent to write about.

Chapter four

Necessary Evils

Afew days later, after dinner, Colin and Olivia were sitting at the kitchen island cutting vegetables as she attempted to make her first focaccia bread without Mary present. And so far, Colin was pleased to see she was doing a good job. His gold wedding band shined brightly in the light of the kitchen, and he was happy to know that her wedding ring, which he had designed and special ordered, would be here a little after school started. As of right now she’d been wearing a simple band on her finger, at his insistence.

He was quiet, not wanting to break her concentration. Her hair was up in an adorable sloppy ponytail, and she was sticking the tip of her tongue out the side of her mouth, her face almost in the focaccia as she concentrated on making the design perfect. He’d set a moody instrumental playlist over the speakers, and he was reveling in the perfect feeling of just being with her. Her phone rang, making her jump slightly.

He put the knife down and took a sip of his scotch, his eyes roaming over the flour stuck to her messy, scantily clad body, wondering if she’d let him lick it off.

“Hi Aliyah!” Olivia turned the phone and propped it up against a bag of flour facing Colin before coming around with her own drink. He raised his drink in hello before leaning forward to press his lips to her hair. He pulled back as he smiled, amused at the dough stuck in her hair.

“Babe, you are not going to believe this!” Aliyah screeched through the phone, causing Olivia to slightly jump in surprise. Colin moved on his stool, pulling her slightly in between his legs and began to start trying to rub the doughy goo out of her hair.

He wondered briefly if he’d find any of the strands in the baked dough, smiling at his secret thought. His baby was trying so hard to create something in the kitchen and he found it sweet, even if it was costing him a small fortune to get constant take-out and pay Mary extra to make freezer meals and lunches. The woman just couldn’t cook to save her life.

“Whhaaaatt, Beau’?” she sang back to Aliyah, now trying to swat him away as he was trying to stick his hand down her pants outside of the camera view. He arched an eyebrow at her as she removed his hand and placed the knife back in it with an admonishing look.

“Our friend Sarah got ahold of me and informed me that Studio Banks has a huge influx of new students signing up for a dance class with you. Girl, EVERYONE saw you on the internet from when you were at that millionaire’s party. Can you teach a class this Saturday night?” Aliyah said, her screen going dark as she went into a tunnel.

Olivia gaped at her friend, barely hearing Colin chopping the last of the vegetables. The glass clinked as he finished his drink off. She reached over absent mindedly and poured slightly too much to refill it. He grasped her hand quickly with a slight frown, upturning the bottle and putting it down.

The scotch was not meant to be wasted, but savored.

She leaned into the phone closer. “Aliyah!” she snapped, irritated. Colin’s eyes narrowed. “What did you tell her?” she hissed into the phone, her face upset.

As Colin observed the conversation, he too, was becoming upset, as Aliyah seemed to be ruining their good time, and possibly ruining the kinky night he’d had planned for them. He was trying to get it all in before she went back to school, not relishing the thought of her having lingering pain while she was supposed to be focusing on class. He cleared his throat rather abruptly; irritated.

“Uhm I told her yeah, that the GOAT would be in attendance. There’s one hundred people signed up for that class because of you what the hell did you think I said?” Aliyah snapped back.

Olivia groaned. “Fine,” she said, turning the phone to face her as she resumed the bread design, turning to make sure the oven was turned on first.

Colin snorted. That’s an improvement at least, he thought, his eyes turning away from hers as he quickly took another drink.

Olivia didn’t see the look on his face as his mind turned to planning their honeymoon. She only had a few free days before school started, so they weren’t able to take one. So, he was trying to figure out when their breaks could align so he could plan something amazing, and he’d wanted her all to himself for at least a solid week if not more.

“Can I bring Colin?” she asked, throwing him a look. He raised his eyebrow and shrugged. He didn’t care.

“Hell ya, everyone would love him, he’s hunky,” Aliyah said, the woman being a lesbian just threw that out there as an afterthought.

“Alright, I’ll be there. As long as you’re there,” she said sternly. Her voice making Colin want to choke her to kill that authoritative clip, he didn’t like it in their home. His fingers tightened on his glass as he took another sip.

“Be there at six. We can catch up. Love ya,” Aliyah said before disconnecting the call.

Half an hour later, Colin had to remind her about the bread, as he was busy experimenting, thrusting a big cucumber in between her legs while she was laid out on the island as they waited for her bread to be done. Thankfully it didn’t burn.

They carried her design upstairs so they could eat it while fucking in the bedroom’s lounge.
