Page 20 of The Pain We Allow

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“Colin...” she said.

“I think therapy is going to be good for us,” he said suddenly, taking the turn that led them into their neighborhood.

“Colin-“ she tried again, turning in her seat slightly. Her fingers grasped her seatbelt hard, twisting against the restraint, wishing it was another type of restraint.

“No, Olivia. When we get home I want you to take a shower and go to bed. Leave your backpack in the car and leave your phone with me,” Colin interrupted, holding his hand out. Olivia placed it into his hand and watched as he pocketed it and hit the button for their gate and drove slowly up the curved driveway.

Olivia let him walk her into the house and then blinked when he continued through and made his way to a door that led to the outside without another word to her. She took the stairs up, hearing the door close behind him. She showered and cried, feeling vulnerable after their first therapy appointment, but not knowing what to do to fix this sudden chasm that opened between them.

Completely mentally exhausted, she fell into bed and crashed. She was so sick of crying.

A couple hours later, Olivia had awoken with a start, and noticed that Colin’s side of the bed was empty, the covers not even ruffled, betraying he hadn’t come to bed. Rising, she spotted her phone on the nightstand next to her, charging. Colin had come in at some point to check on her. She looked at her phone, seeing it wasn’t even midnight yet.

She grabbed her phone and padded downstairs, trying to find him. He wasn’t in the house that she could tell.

Taking her phone, she unlocked it and texted him.

Where are you? Did you run away? -O

She was mixing a drink, now wide awake, and a couple minutes passed before she heard her phone ding.

Do you have to be so insulting? I’m in the guesthouse, come here. -C

She went back upstairs and hurriedly threw on a tank top and a pair of sweatpants before grabbing her drink and shoving her feet in a pair of Ugg slippers she usually wore on the grounds around the house. She walked out the backdoor and made her way to the heated path that led to the guest house, seeing the lights on there, with more landscaping lights leading the way.

She was busy bracing herself against the cold air when suddenly music swarmed the space from hidden speakers in the landscaping. The sounds of a deep bass and a skilled guitar riff filled her ears. She had a prickle of awareness as she walked, sipping her drink to help calm her nerves.

Sliding the door open, Olivia took a second to let her eyes adjust to the dimmed lighting of the small house. Turning, she saw Colin standing in the middle of the room and shredding a guitar against the sounds of the music track. He was in a deep gray T-shirt and loose dark jeans. His muscled arms worked the guitar vigorously, the veins in his forearm standing out in sharp relief.

Olivia’s eyebrows raised as she looked around in shock.

He was in the big space that would normally be used as the entertainment center, and he’d seemingly converted it into a small studio. The space was dark, intimate, and a slightly dangerous feeling settled over her as the space seemed to pulse with Colin’s aura. The notes he was playing were a skilled piece, and Olivia found herself raising an eyebrow at him when he caught her eye, extremely impressed.

His fingers worked the strings in a complicated rhythm, and Olivia felt herself getting wet just watching him.

Her breathing became ragged at the unparalleled sexiness of him wielding the guitar and the strength in his body being aimed at the instrument, knowing that he unleashed that same power on her. She kicked off her shoes and walked over to the plush sofa. He caught her eye as she folded her legs under herself, and he transitioned his song into a track she recognized from a famous movie. Surprising her even further, he leaned into the microphone stand and began to belt out the lyrics, his rich voice growling into the mic.

Olivia’s jaw dropped in shock as she watched this man lose himself singing to the music.

Looking around, she really took stock of her space once more, seeing what looked to be thousands of dollars of professional equipment lining the walls around them. Colin had never once alluded to her that music was a hobby or passion of his, however looking back, she realized it made sense. Music was always around them; he asked her to make personal playlists for him, he’d had an expensive sound system all throughout the house ready to go at the touch of a finger.

He even fucked her to musical playlists he’d carefully curated.

Thinking of fucking, Olivia felt her body get hot, her heartbeat pounding against her chest. She took a healthy drink of her liquor and winced feeling her body overheating. The sounds of the bass and guitar were pounding into her body. She put her drink down, maintaining eye contact with Colin as she shimmied out of her shirt and sweatpants. He held her eye contact the entire time, his eyes smoldering into that hot intense look that intimidated her, tortured her, and that she loved so much.

He didn’t miss a beat as she leaned against the plush pillows and arranged her hair around herself, feeling it flow down her arms and breasts, tickling her waist. She looked over him hotly, pulling her legs up and smoothing one hand to cup her breast, and pulling her other hand down to smooth over her mound.

Watching him work his guitar, she licked her lips and began to play with herself like he played with his guitar. She could not believe how turned on she was and looking down saw her pink nipples poking out through her hair. She twisted one and gasped sharply, tensing as her fingers also grasped her sensitive clit. She felt the wetness on her fingers and moved up her hand to lick it off seductively, slightly embarrassed but knowing he liked that.

She heard the minute mistake in his playing as she did and knew that she was affecting him.

Olivia closed her eyes, moaning as she sunk a finger inside of herself, pumping hard. Imagining it was his cock, his fingers, or his tongue inside of her instead. Her mind filled with dirty images of them together, and the sound of his voice filled her ears as she arched off the couch with a cry. The fierceness of the orgasm took her by surprise. Her skin felt like razor blades were being pulled across the delicate flesh she was so sensitive.

She’d briefly doubted her sanity at doing this so blatantly in front of him, especially when he hadn’t gotten his after her bratty behavior during the day. Her thoughts took a left turn, remembering them doing anal at the beginning of the weekend and realizing that’s why she’d been on edge. She’d been left reeling, feeling incredibly vulnerable after their moment on the couch in the media room.

Dazed, she blinked slowly and began to close her legs, feeling more exposed than she was comfortable with.

“Keep them open mama,” she heard Colin growl through the mic.
