Page 3 of The Pain We Allow

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Colin was seriously regretting the decision not to tell Olivia about the meeting with the architect when he called her while he was finishing up at the office a few days later. He explained there was a last-minute dinner that he needed her to attend with him. He rifled through the copies of her work that he made, wanting to show the man in person.

Colin had crafted Olivia a short portfolio, complete with the most breath-taking picture of her in the front.

He was taken aback when Olivia told him she was going to take Allison to the theater. She bought her tickets to see a play and wouldn’t be able to attend. He froze in his seat, his ankle over his knee as he looked at the framed collage of them on his desk.

“Olivia, I really, really need you to come to this meeting. Don’t make me beg baby,” he said softly, veiling his rising irritation easily, in favor of trying to be sensible. A concept that was coming harder and harder by the day to accomplish. It felt like forever since they played, and he was in serious pain. Denying them what they both needed because after Allison’s accident, he didn’t want to rock the boat.

She didn’t tell him she loved him, didn’t even tell him she cared for him and still hid things from him. Not to mention Colin was pretty sure she’d been sneaking off to cry, but he didn’t want to press her on the issues after the accident. He wanted her to come to him, like the day she shared her story about her mother with him. Between those things, and the shit he’d been dealing with already, he didn’t want to risk ruining what little foundation he’d come to build with her.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t drop this. I promised Ally and she’s been looking forward to this. And I’ve barely been spending time with her the last couple months,” Olivia stated softly.

“What play? Can you get tickets for tomorrow instead?” Colin asked sharply. Holding the phone away for a second and sucking his teeth as he heard her say it was their last night in the theater for the season. His chest burned, and his fingers twitched with the need to snatch her through the phone.

“Olivia,” he said roughly, leaning forward in his chair and planting his feet on the floor. His irritation getting the best of him. “I need you there. I don’t ask for much,” he nudged.

“I know, that’s the problem isn’t it. You don’t fucking ask for anything anymore! Have a nice dinner, I’ll be home by ten,” and with that, the line went dead. Colin pulled the phone away from his ear and stared at it incredulously, as if he’d dreamt it. His head cocked contemplatively to the side as he leaned back again in his chair. After a bit he got up, jerked the lapels of his suit jacket, grabbed her portfolio, and tapped it once on the desk before walking to the door. He made the decision to attend the dinner and pitch Olivia without her presence, believing her work was good enough. And then he’d go home to prepare for her.

If she wanted it rough, then that’s what she’d get.

He got into his personal elevator in his office and headed down to leave for the day, giving himself permission for the first time to let his demons come out to play.

Chapter two

A Cue To Start The Game

Back at the house, Colin chilled out for a minute from running his errands after the business dinner with the architect.He sent Beth home with some more food and put on some good tunes to listen to. He had his ventilation system going and was smoking a cigar downstairs in the basement, as he took a second to text Jonathan to make sure Olivia left on time and was on her way before he turned back to his computer screen. Setting himself up at his pool table and leaning over his laptop, he tapped on the keyboard lazily, searching for what he wanted.

Flicking the ash, he glanced up at the multiple monitors he had on the walls in the swimming pool and billiards room.

Colin smiled, momentarily content with some music playing over the system and enjoying a really expensive scotch. So expensive, his dick got hard just from the process of buying it at the store.

He was lingering down in the basement lazily, just spoon feeding the fucking beast inside of him all the filthy things he’d wanted until Olivia came home. His dick jerked in his pants, impatient. Setting his mouth, the features of his face tightened as he made sure his computer synced appropriately to the mounted televisions. Doing a test run, he smiled a filthy smile when he heard the monitors start with the videos he’d selected.

Colin hadn’t even changed when he got home, taking multiple trips from his car to the indoor swimming pool, Choosing instead to carry and unload bag after bag of ice into his pool fully dressed in his work suit.

Looking over, he saw the chunks floating, happy to know it was cold just like he wanted it. Then he took his time leisurely cleaning all the pool balls, placing them back into their rack on the pool table and off to the side.

Flickering his eyes to his phone as it lit up with a notification, he saw that she was pulling up the driveway. He pulled up their text thread.

Come straight downstairs. -C

Turning to face the entryway of the basement, he waited patiently, leaning against his pool table in his usual stance with his legs crossed and a cigar lit in his hand. A Gurkah His Magesty’s Cigar, at seven hundred and fifty dollars each, his favorite. His eyes narrowed as the door opened and he saw Olivia walk through, her legs looking delectable in some heels that she shouldn’t be wearing in this weather.

Olivia froze when she walked through the door and saw Colin.

Her eyes widened, clocking him leaning against the pool table, his suit pants and shoes still on from his fancy dinner. Colin’s white button down was opened to his pants, exposing his slabs of hard muscle and big body. The sleeves were rolled up, showing off his muscular forearms and he was puffing on a cigar slowly. His eyes were hard as steel as he watched her.

She let her bag drop to the floor carelessly with a hard thud and turned her head to the side silently as her ears picked up the sultry music.

Colin just stood there, not greeting her. Smoking on his cigar.

Olivia’s heart beat painfully in her chest as they stared each other down in the big space of the basement. She swallowed hard as she realized she was going to finally get what she needed. She could tell just by looking at him. He looked different, severe in the set of his body. Her nipples hardened, and she gasped as he lowered his eyes slightly and noticed it himself. Taking an appreciative drink, he suddenly spoke, breaking her of her trance.

“Come here,” he said, his eyes never leaving hers. She shivered at his intensity, suddenly feeling very exposed, and very…trapped.

Olivia flinched as she immediately felt her juices saturate her panties. She whimpered as she willed herself to take the steps required to cross the space to get to him. When she was about five feet away, he held up a hand to stop her, taking another deep drag of his cigar, content to stare at her with his searing gaze. Her eyes pricked with tears, her body tightening painfully. She let out a little pained sob in response, starting to tremble.
