Page 30 of The Pain We Allow

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“Well,” she said haughtily, turning to pierce him with her green eyes. “It better be fucking worth it then.”

Stella whistled across the table. Colin briefly heard Vincent admonish Stella before he turned to pierce Olivia with a look of his own.

Colin‘s jaw clenched as he bent into her face. “It’s going to be worth every welt, scream, and tear I get the pleasure of wringing out of this pretty body tonight, best believe it,” he whispered, hearing her sharp inhale. Leaning in, he inhaled slowly.

“I smell you, did you just come?” he growled quietly in her ear. He briefly felt her slight shake of her head. “Are you ok? I know how wet you get,” Colin ignored the way she hunched her shoulders up in mortification and leaned in rather indecently, pushing her slightly forward with his movements.

“Colin, no… I’m ok,” Olivia whispered. She turned bright red, her voice coming out whiny as he suddenly wedged his hand under her bottom to feel if her skirt was wet. He didn’t want anyone seeing any evidence of her desire. He grunted happily.

“Good girl, not so messy this time, huh?” he said softly, for her ears only.

Olivia peeked through her hair and saw Vincent and Stella momentarily submersed in their own world, not paying them any attention. Stella was giggling as she was holding a bite of food to her husband’s lips to eat, and laughing harder when he would bypass the fork and take a bite out of her neck with a growl.

Olivia smiled, not feeling so put into the spotlight. It suddenly clicked.

“Colin,” she whispered. “Are they like us?” She turned to him with a questioning look.

“They are in a dominant and submissive relationship, yes. But he is not a sadist, and she is not a masochist like you. However, she is a brat, and if you’ll pay attention, she pushes him to get a reaction. Look at them, don’t they look happy?” he interjected, running his hand down her arm and pressing her to him.

Olivia nodded, a weird peace settling over her. She didn’t feel so alone after seeing another dynamic in person. She looked at him again.

“I want it. I can handle you, Colin,” she whispered, lured in by his magnetizing gaze. “I want the pain that I believe only you can give me.”

He nodded, taking her hand and kissing her knuckles.

“Then let’s go,” he said, signaling Vincent. They stood up and cleared the table, taking the women’s hands and walking them out of the building to the limo waiting for them outside.

He was relieved to see the trust between them being nurtured. It gave him hope for the next week ahead, when he would tell her about his past, and the accident that changed his life.


They had a fun time driving Stella and Vincent back home, blaring nineties hip hop and rap music and trying to outdo each other lyrically. Colin won this round, with Vincent coming in a close second. As they pulled up to their house, he shared a friendly hand clasp and back pat with Vincent, who promised to contact Colin about hiring security in wake of what Gypsy relayed to Olivia regarding Judge Carmichael.

“I don’t want security following me! I’m going to look like the biggest freak at university!” Olivia lamented as the couple left, and it was just the two of them. Colin shrugged out of his blazer, spreading it on the floor in front of him and relaxed back into the seat. He cocked his head in that dangerous way of his, his arms rippled with his tattoos standing out in sharp relief.

His brown eyes pierced hers. “Come here, Olivia,” he said, tension thickening the air and stealing her breath away. She glanced down at the blazer before looking back at him.

“In the limo?” she whispered. Swallowing hard as he gave her a sexy grin. He reached over and grabbed her arm, pulling her not so gently to her knees on the blazer in front of him.

“You ready for a workout, baby?” he murmured softly, leaning forward and placing his hands on either side of her hair and taking her mouth in a raw kiss that left her flooded. He sucked at her lips for long seconds, groaning into her mouth, letting her know how good she tasted.

“A workout?” she teased, “Are you taking me to the gym?”

“No baby, I’m about to take you to church, because we’re going to need to repent for our sins tonight. We may need to invest in some holy water to cleanse you of the filthy things I’m going to do to you,” Colin whispered, opening the door and ushering her out and into the night air of their property.

Olivia walked beside him, his words repeating a thrilling echo around her brain. Knowing she would follow him straight into hell if he asked her to.

Chapter eight

Broken Hearts = Shattered Trust

Saturday morning came and Jonathan called Colin with an emergency business trip to Russia. He kissed Olivia and told her he would be back Tuesday night or Wednesday morning at the latest and to spend some quality time with Vanessa and Allison.

Olivia saw him off, waving at him from the front before heading upstairs to pack herself a bag. She pulled out her phone to text Vanessa.

Hey sis, impromptu girl’s weekend! I’m packing my bag now. Do you need me to stop on my way in and pick up anything? -Ollie

She took out a duffel bag and began to stuff items into it. Seeing her school backpack, she tried to dismiss it from her mind. Colin had asked her to take a break during the weekends for now because school was consuming her and so much studying could be counterproductive. She looked at her phone as it pinged twice.
