Page 29 of The Pain We Allow

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“Same, we’ve only been married about four weeks, so I’m trying to not be so hard on her. She’s new to the lifestyle, I’m trying to figure out how hard to push her.”

He looked at Vincent who was already pulling out his phone.

“Send me your NDA, and I’ll send mine. We’ll sign them real quick through DocuSign.” Vincent said first, already reading Colin’s mind.

Colin grinned, making up his mind about this man; he had a good feeling about him. They exchanged information quickly and sent the necessary signatures. With a nod, they rejoined their women who were busy trying to figure out where to go first.

They went to the area to grab their clubs and Olivia practiced swinging. Colin had to jump out of the way at her violent upswing. His chest was tight as he sidled up behind her. For not the first time, he thought about the fact that this woman spent years beating wealthy men, the exact thing he so badly wanted to do, yet prevented himself from doing to her.

His erection strained against his pants.

“Slow down, I know you must have a vicious swing, but you need to take it easy,” he whispered in her ear. He got behind her and wrapped his hands around hers, gently pulling her arms back and hitting the practice ball. It rolled into the hole. He tightened further at her smile; she really had a delightful smile.

He groaned quietly, pushing her hair back behind her ear and leaning forward to place a kiss on her forehead.

“Let’s play for real,” he said in his smooth voice, jerking his head and leading his way to the first hole.

An hour and a half later they were in a vicious competition. Colin and Vincent were neck and neck, not even willing to concede and let the girls fake win. They were apparently not those types of men. Colin looked back, Olivia and Stella were tipsy, giggling and laughing at something on Stella’s phone, unconcerned.

Vincent sauntered over and placed his hand on top of the screen and Colin observed his actions curiously.

“Are you ogling at other men, boo?” Vincent teased, leaning forward to take Stella’s mouth in a hard kiss. “Can you pause for a second to watch your husband kick this guy’s ass? I’d appreciate it,” he said softly, leaning down to muzzle her ear.

Olivia looked away and smirked, catching Colin’s eye. He was leaning against a sturdy wooden fence that was the theme of this hole, waiting. She drank the rest of her drink heartily, and cheered good naturedly as Vincent won the game by a hair’s breadth.

She skipped over to Colin and threw her arms around his neck.

“I’m just being a good sport,” she said against his mouth, kissing him and licking her tongue along his lips. She pulled away to give Vincent a high five before linking arms with Stella.

“Food court,” Stella yelled over her shoulder, and they took off in a hurry, leaving the men to catch up.

“Yours a brat?” Vincent said suddenly, catching Colin’s eye as they walked.

He shook his head no, with a wry smile.

“No, she’s a masochist. But Stella being a brat, that explains the clicker,” Colin answered, turning the ring on his finger.

“Ohhh…you’re a sadist, huh? Well, I guess that makes sense considering she’s a redhead. They got some sort of interesting reaction with pain,” Vincent said suddenly, turning teasing eyes onto Colin’s and bumping shoulders with him in a brotherly way. “Us doms have to stick together. You let me know if Stella is rubbing off on her. I’ll correct her.”

Colin threw him an appreciative glance.

They caught up with the women at the food court, snagging a circular private booth. The women went to two different lines and came back with a crazy amount of food and plates for sharing. They helped the women unload everything then go back for drinks before settling back and started to divvy out the food.

Colin wrinkled his nose at Olivia, who was mixing some cuisines that probably shouldn’t be.

Stella and Vincent were also looking over in shock, trying unsuccessfully to hide it. He threw them a slight apologetic glance, placing his hand on Olivia’s back and rubbing slightly.

“Alright now,” Stella said with an amused smile on her face as Olivia took her first bite and moaned. They all laughed lightly at her.

Colin once again slightly rolled his eyes, wondering if she would ever not eat in her weird way. He placed his hand on her thigh and curled his fingers in hard, relishing her gasp. He dug in a little harder, hearing her soft moan, looking over and seeing her face flush.

“Are you ok love?” he said innocently, putting a bite of chicken in his mouth and grinning. She nodded, putting another bite of food in her mouth.

“You can’t eat or drink too much, I have plans for us later,” he whispered against her ear, kissing the shell and biting her lobe. She squeaked and dropped her fork, snatching her napkin and placing it higher in her lap.

“Colin, I'm in a cream outfit! You’re going to make me drop food on myself,” she hissed back, taking another big swallow of her drink and protesting when Colin took it out of her hand and smoothly threw it in a trashcan nearby.

“I said no,” he said, not even trying to hide their dynamic. She pouted prettily as she continued to eat. Only her flushed cheeks betrayed her excitement and anger. She flickered her eyes nervously to the couple seated across from them.
